Does crying help you grow as a person?


I have to be honest, my life has been tough the last few years. Losing a parent, and more recently a grandparent… life pulling a 180, leaving good friends and memories behind. The pandemic and stresses that go along with that, feeling like the world as we know it is burning to the ground.

I’ve been quite emotional at times, feeling like I’ve cried out a lot of pent up emotions and feeling the absence of people in my life, worried that opportunities are fading, wondering if I’ll ever be able to afford my own place and build a life for myself.

Yet in the meantime, I’ve made huge strides, learned new skills, pursuing more creative endeavors and hobbies, thinking more and more independently. Pushing my mind into new territories. I don’t think I could’ve achieved some of these things had life not thrown me some of these brutal curveballs, and it’s a big part of why I want to keep going and pushing through. I’ve recently lost 20 lbs, changed my diet and am really eating much better and health conscious.

But I really wonder if it was just allowing myself to feel these emotions and deal with the pain that has seemingly helped me open some new doors, inspired by some of these experiences. I’m wondering if there’s any way to research this further.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope that if anyone else is feeling down or really going through something, just allow yourself to feel it and give yourself that permission and whatever you feel like it’s trying to tell you, don’t ignore it.

Keep pushing through.

Does crying help you grow as a person?
2 Opinion