Online harassment of the opposite gender...I don't need to answer back- I don't owe it to you.


Greetings fellow GaGers, I'm going to discuss something I feel strongly about today. Something that has been long since debated but I don't think people really get the gist of it.

Harassment of the opposite gender through, amongst other things, online messaging. Yes, it happens a lot more than most of you would think. A random person starts messaging you and you have two options- you can either ignore them or politely reply, maybe this person is interesting? You don't know but how could texting a "hey" back hurt?

The scenario can play out either way- you can continue texting and see this person as a friend or you realise that this kind of person really isn't what you would considser friend - or anything more- material. At this point, most of us would start dropping hints of disinterest, shorter sentences and not really asking about the person until you finally just stop messaging back.

I don't need to answer back- I don't owe it to you.

Is is that so wrong? I don't think so. I get messages from guys on this website too, I tend to ignore them- the majority seem to be horny guys just looking for some action, but recently, a person whom I politely spoke to but then decided to stop answering back to sent me a message that really got me angry.

Believe me, I'm fine with friendly conversation, we can talk about books, TV shows, sports but when I figure that someone online wants to "online hookup" I'm not really for it. It makes me uneasy and god knows who is really behind that picture or avatar.

Anyway, this guy was getting way too personal with me, some of his questions were innocent enough but I don't really have so much time as to sit around answering less-than-important questions. So I ignored him, he must have seen being active and posting questions because he messaged me complaining.

"Thanks for ignoring me, it really makes me feel great, ugly dumb bitch"

Online harassment of the opposite gender...I don't need to answer back- I don't owe it to you.

Alright, I understand, being ignored isn't the best feeling. I don't want to come on as a heartless bitch or anything, but I really don't give a shit. I exchanged maybe, 3-4 messages with the guy? Do I really have to reply to him like he's my beau or something? And does my not replying to him give him the right to try and guilt me like this? Or abuse me- not that it really hurts me, it just shows the level of maturity he was at.

I'll be honest, I have ignored a lot of guys. I've received and read their messages and not replied to them. I get countless messages. Maybe I'm desensitised toward them, or maybe I'm just disgusted by the amount of men who take out the time to objectify me. But nah some would say I really am a cold bitch, all these people appreciating my looks and I'm not grateful for it? Fuck no, I am not. Thanks for telling me I'm pretty, that's great. Thanks for telling me you like certain parts of my body it makes me feel amazing! Now when shall I commence worshipping you and answering every one of your ridiculous personal questions, dear stranger on the other side of the earth? (Please note sarcasm- those of you who are incapable of sensing it.)

"Your lips are sexy"

"Your eyes are gorgeous"

Ummm.. Thanks.. You wouldn't like me so much if you knew what a bitch I was, huh? But then again who cares about what's in my head? It's all about that profile picture tho. After all- if I didn't want the attention why would I put up a picture of myself?- NOPE WRONG AGAIN.

I put up a picture of myself because I WANTED TO. Why did I want to? What other objective was there other than to attract horny men of all ages?(and I do mean all ages).

I like giving a face to my opinions. That someone who looks like me has these opinions, so that people feel like they aren't alone in their troubles when I give them advice. Not too much of a big deal right? I like to look good. I'm not doing it for anyone else's satisfaction.

And for crying out loud- I'm not on a dating site. This is a Q/A site. I didn't complain this much when I had KIK- I just deleted it. If you're looking for a cheap, Internet fling there's the place you should look for it.

The same goes for guys- they get harassed too I suppose. I've never really heard any complaints by them but if you have any feel free to voice them.

When this kind of stuff happens, I usually don't even mind. It's just today it annoyed the crap out of me- and I needed to share it. What better way than a MyTake?

So for all of you out there feeling pressured or guilted into talking to someone you really don't want to- remember you don't owe anything to them and who you talk to online is totally your choice.

Online harassment of the opposite gender...I don't need to answer back- I don't owe it to you.
13 Opinion