Why are the people who are popular actually popular?
When you think of a popular person what do you think of? Flawless skin, lots of friends, fashionable, too much makeup, fake, annoying, bitchy? But why do we place these mean fake people as the popular? Why do we look at them and wish to be were they stand?because they are beautiful. People like them, but do people really genuinely like this people? I'd say no. If someone less attractive acted they way they do people would hate them.
So back to the question...
Why are they popular? Because we make them popular. We put them there. We place them above us because of they way the look. Because of their money. Because of their friends. We put them there.
But I have a philosophy; nobody is popular. Nobody! Isn't that crazy?
There is no bitchy pink girl walking around school with her little yorkie that thinks she's better than everybody else. So many girls we judge that just because they are "hot" they instantly become bitches. This is a flaw in humanity.
I'm not saying I'm perfect and not judging. I can honestly say that I've judges many a girls, but when I finally talk to and get to know them they are genuine and fantastic human beings. I've slapped titles on people such as "bitch" "slut" and other such things.
But then I've met/gotten to know that person and realized how wrong I was. So there is no such thing as being popular.
So, if you want to be "popular" you're out of luck. But if you want to be popular just be a genuine kind human being. Socialize. Be a great human being. Smile. Be a good friend. That's what being popular truly is.
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