Why Pro-black Doesn't Equal Anti-White For Me


Why Pro-black Doesn't Equal Anti-White For Me

I was taught to love and respect those that love and respect me by my parents. I practice a religion that tells me to love everyone, even my enemies. And not be judgmental. I was born with brown skin and classified as a black person. A minority. I'm aware of the injustices, discrimination, and downright racist actions that people like me deal with on a regular basis. I've experienced it for myself. I'm all for equality and fair treatment. I speak out when I feel offended by something and I don't have a problem doing so. I support the marches and movements such as #blacklivesmatter. But guess what? I don't hate white people.

It comes as a surprise to people when I say that. Both black and white. And it warrants many different reactions. Mostly negative. And mostly from fellow black people. They don't understand how I can possibly be for people like myself and not be against people that are different. They perceive it as me "selling out". I've had people tell me I'm ashamed of who I am and that I'm a disgrace. They even go as far as calling me "white-washed". But what they don't see is how hypocritical they are.

Why would I hate an entire group of people based off something as simple as the color of their skin? Why should I shun them and look down on them and carry around hatred in my heart for them? Because that's what SOME of them to do me? Where's the logic in hating them because they hate me? Wouldn't that make me just as bad as them? And what would it solve? Absolutely nothing. It just widens the already huge division between races. I'm a firm believer in the whole "divided we fall, united we stand" thing.

At the end of the day, we're all human beings. We all bleed the same red color. None of us had a choice as to what the color of our skin was going to be. So to be mistreated because of it is wrong. No one is born racist. Racism is taught. I wasn't taught that way. I wasn't raised to hate anyone. I have friends of all different races. All while standing up for people like myself. I don't feel that you need to be hateful to do that. We can't expect people to respect us while we disrespect them. Pro-black doesn't equal anti-white. To me, pro-black equal's anti-hate. Anti-discrimination. Anti-racism. Pro-me doesn't equal anti-you.

Why Pro-black Doesn't Equal Anti-White For Me
44 Opinion