Things Latin Americans do


Don't wanna offend anyone, it's all a joke.

11. Donโ€™t Throw Toilet Paper in the Toilet

You don't do it, just don't. Our bathrooms are not ready for it lol okay, some, but it's very rare to find a bathroom without a trash can next to it, if you see it, please throw it there, not in the toilet.

Things Latin Americans do

10. Liquids are Sold in Plastic Bags

It's quite common and cheaper lol of course we also have bottles but drinking from bags is more badass XD

Things Latin Americans do

yeah, that's coke and fanta.

9. Streets are Named After Dates

I didn't know this was weird for you guys, but this is like super normal. There's a very important one in mexico called "5 de Mayo "

Things Latin Americans do

Mexico city, 1862

8. Unfinished Buildings

Iron rods stick out of the flat roofs of many buildings. To a foreigner it looks like they just never finished the next floor up, however we are planning for the future. Foreigners are more concerned with the appearance of buildings. We are more concerned with the cost of the building LOL

Things Latin Americans do

Unfinished Buildings in Quito, Ecuador

7. Paying To Use Bathrooms

Public bathrooms are never free. And guess what? They aren't clean either. Well, some are, some aren't lol

Things Latin Americans do

6. Security Guards Carrying Shotguns

In Mexico they are some fat guys who think they're the shit for having guns.. the truth is they couldn't shot you even if they want XD meh, just kidding, they have them "just in case", it's quite normal until they shot you.

Things Latin Americans do

Security Guard in Zipaquira, Colombia

5. Motorbikes

These things are the shit, cheap as fuck and also fast hahaha. We don't have them in Cancun but there are many motorbikes in other places of Mexico, and of course, the rest of central America.

Things Latin Americans do

Tuk-tuk in Panajachel, Guatemala

4. Kissing on the cheek

First of all, men don't kiss men, that's extremely rare, it happens in Argetina tho.
Second of all, it is how we greet, handshake is acceptable but a kiss on the cheeks is more common, we give only one and putting your lips on the cheek is not necessary, you only press your cheek with the other person. Teens and adults do this, some people make the kids do it, but in here the little human needs to put the lips on the cheek, the adult doesn't do it back necessarily

Things Latin Americans do

Wish I could kiss Katy, too XD

3. Arguing over who speaks the best Spanish

WE SPEAK BETTER OF COURSE! Nah, jk, in my opinion the best Spanish is spoken in spain lol But peruvians highly disagree, they think they speak it better. I think mexicans come in second place and then peruvians but some people say the best Spanish is found in Peru.

2. Small talk

It doesn't matter if you don't know the person, you start a whole FBI interrogation, we ask how are you, how your family is doing, where you going, anything that could keep the convo going. Some of us find a bit rude when people's answers are short because we're used to talk about people's lives openly. The other day I end up talking with a taxi driver about his wife and kids lol

Things Latin Americans do

1. Commenting on peopleโ€™s weight

If Juana got bigger, we don't give a shit, not taboo dude, YOU SAY HOW FAT HER ASS LOOKS, jk jk, but it's true, we are not afraid about it, we talk about the subject very openly and in a confident way, if you make a comment like "did you gained any weight?" the person would be like "oh yeah, I ate lot of tacos on this month", or they can tell you to fuck off, of course.

Things Latin Americans do

A: Eat spicy food

It's not that spicy but the whole world complains about our food XD You're lucky if you eat mexican food, tho, it gets you fat and all.

Things Latin Americans do

B: Dance weirdly/good/too much

We have some weird ass dances lol and there are lot of them!! salsa (is good tho), merengue, duranguense, bachata, cha cha cha, folklore (mexican), etc

Things Latin Americans do
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