The Most Annoying Drivers... Ever!

BeeNee a

1. Grandma or Grandpa

This person is known to drive in a one lane at the posted speed limit or more than likely, twenty miles below it. Nothing makes them increase their speed. In fact, you and the five cars behind you would have made the next light, but no, not today. Oh, and let them have to make a will have to pull to a full stop behind them and turn on your hazard lights for them to accomplish this feat.

The Most Annoying Drivers...Ever!

2. Sir Blinks A Lot

This person turns on their turn signal four stops before they actually need to causing you to slow down, speed up, slow down, and speed up every time a potential turn is to be had by them. Right when you give up thinking, they aren't going to need to turn, they break hard, and then turn causing you to screech in behind them. Alternatively, this person did turn in to your lane and has just left their turn signal on for the next 3 miles...just because.

3. Final Destination

This is that truck you've seen videos about on youtube. It has about 105 razar sharp, a thousand pound weighing, dangerous objects on back of it strapped in by a thin fraying rope. Just for good measure, the truck's back wheel is flat and wobbly. Somehow you've ended up behind this nightmare and of course, no one will allow you to turn out of that lane because they are using what will soon be your lifeless impaled body, as a shield.

4. The Chess Player

This person sees the road as an opportunity to beat all of his or her opponents. Each car is like a piece on the board which they must quickly... emphasis on quickly, zoom and weave and bob in and out of and around to get to the other side. This person will zip into your lane so fast, your front bumper shakes, or will pull all the way into your back bumper, so close you can feel them breathing in the car with you, zip left, graze your door handles, and then turn on their imagined NOS until you can see them no more.

The Most Annoying Drivers... Ever!

5. Honkie

Everyone is in traffic. No one can co anywhere. Of course you all want to get where you're going, but it's not happening any time soon. Now is the perfect time for the person behind you to lay on the horn. You crane your neck and stare at them with "WTF" eyes. They continue to honk. Alternatively, you're waiting for the light to turn green and it literally...did I say, literally, just turned green and the person behind you honks. I'm curious, who do these people 'not' honk at?

6. Twins

You're in a two lane, and the person in front of you sidles beside the car next to it so that they are driving at the same speed ensuring that no one can get around them. As one tries to speed up to shake them, the other person just matches their speed because they hate the world. You try to subtly nudge them forward with your car increasing your speed, but no, they won't budge. They just continue to ride side saddle to that next car until blissfully, the next light changes the dynamic or someone turns.

7. Mr. and Mrs., Call Me on my Cell Phone

Their phone is life. Unfortunately that live doesn't involve them paying attention to the road. At every light they are 10 seconds behind everyone else paying attention, in moving or pulling up. They are going slowly becuase its like sooo totally impossible to talk and drive at the same time. And let a text come in.

The Most Annoying Drivers... Ever!

8. You Shall Not Pass

This person or these people, will not let you pass or enter for any reason, even though you must merge on to the freeway or your'e in a lane that runs out and must merge with traffic. They tight box you out, they speed up and nearly smash into your car just to get by and in front of you, they pretend they don't see you. Alternatively, these people refuse to yield to traffic that has the right of way. They are at a stop sign which you do not have and they just turn right on into you or they gun it and drive across in front of you causing your life to flash before your eyes.

9. I Got This

This person has all the lanes. For some unknown reason, they cannot seem to either pick a lane or stay in their own. They drift toward the middle or they seem to be turning into the other lane, but don' You could try to go around, if you like the odds of whether you want to get your car smashed up today.

10. Drunk Drivers

'Nuff said

The Most Annoying Drivers... Ever!
2 Opinion