Women Handle Stress Better Than Men?


Women Handle Stress Better Than Men?

Recently I was reading through a Take a guy wrote about men, women, and success, to which some females responded talking about how studies show that women handle stress better than men and how men commit more suicide, as a way to devalue males' emotional stability and ability to cope. These aren't new facts though, and I've heard a lot of women mention them, and it is true that males do commit suicide more often than women, but the "experts" and media still aren't telling you everything, and don't want to because they fear backlash from people who will call it sexism.

By posting this Take, I'm not trying to "down women" but I am pointing out how there's more to the story than most people are really taught. And while I'm not a person who's big on studies and statistics, I'm only using them in this Take just to show that I can play by women's rules and still prove a point. However, I don't hide the fact that it does get under my skin when women try to underestimate or cancel out men's emotional strength. It takes a lot for something to really bother me, and that one does. It could be because I'm a guy who's been through a lot of hellacious places in my life that most people - including women - would never have the strength to deal with. In fact when I've shared my life stories with some women, they've often said they would've killed themselves if they ever went through what I've gone through. So maybe in some way it hits home for me when women want to think they're so much more able to withstand stress and emotional trials than men, I don't know.

Stress actually does hurt women more than men...

Although women like to cheer at the studies that support their arguments, there is still other research that shows that stress actually hurts women more than men, especially physically. Although women's estrogen is said to help women better handle stress than men, men have more oxytocin, which helps us with stress, and women need more of it to help them and protect them physically. Some of the affects of stress on women are irregular periods, eating disorders, cancer, and heart disease. Women are also more likely than men to be diagnosed for anxiety disorders than men. And it's women who flip out and want to kill their kids when they get stressed out. Not men.

So while women like to imply that men can't handle their emotions and fall apart, they should think twice.

If anyone wants to read further about it, here are some articles:

https://www.everydayhealth.com/ womens-health/physical-side- of-stress.aspx

https://www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2013/01/30/health-effects-of- stress-women_n_2585625.html

https://life.gaiam.com/article/ how-stress-affects-womens- health

Women attempt more suicide...

Women Handle Stress Better Than Men?

Women and the experts like to point out that men kill themselves much more than women do, and it is true. But women attempt suicide at far greater rates than men die from it, and this is because men choose methods that are more full proof. If women killed themselves in all the ways that men do, the female suicide rate would rival ours 3 to 1. The media doesn't ever talk about this because it would make women look weak, and they're afraid of pissing them off.

A girl I was in a discussion with on this here tried to say that men are worse for their suicide rates that they'd want to die so badly.

There's actually a difference.

It takes a lot for a man to reach a place of being certain that he wants to end it all, and when he does, that's it. But in my opinion it's worse for a woman to keep trying and trying. It says you must not be all that emotionally secure to keep reaching places of wanting to end it. It also puts family and friends through constant worry and emotional rollercoasters. It says you're an unstable mother if you have kids. You continue to inflict damage on yourself. And you add to your medical bills.

No doubt, a man's family and friends are put through grief and heartache when he kills himself, but it's done once, and that's it. And it takes a lot for a guy to even get to that point, and it even takes a lot for him to make that decision. Something has to really be bothering him for that to happen. Men die more from suicide because of their more fullproof methods, but when they survive they typically don't try again like their female counterparts. And often times men who survive express that they have a new outlook on life and don't want to die anymore. Women, however, don't have that change of heart as often.

More stats:


"Females attempt suicide three times more often than males. As with suicide deaths, rates of attempted suicide vary considerably among demographic groups. While males are 4 times more likely than females to die by suicide, females attempt suicide 3 times as often as males." - https://afsp.org/about-suicide/suicide-statistics/

"More than four times as many men as women die by suicide; but women attempt suicide more often during their lives than do men, and women report higher rates of depression." -www.medicinenet.com/.../art.asp

Women have more heart disease than men...

Women also tend to be more at risk for heart disease than men, and die from it more often, as it's also the No.1 killer of women. They also suffer heart attack worse than men as well. Although no official confirmation has been made, stress is believed to be a large factor in causing heart disease, and women are affected by stress more. Stress also increases the likelihood of a person getting blood clots, which happens to women more than men usually in their later years, and blood clots can also affect heart health.




The female life expectancy is declining...

Women Handle Stress Better Than Men?

Life expectancy has never been as big a deal to me as maybe people think it should be, but I know a lot of women also like cheering at the stats that show they live longer than men. However, this hasn't always been the case, as life expectancy rates have always changed throughout history. There are many occasions in history where men lived longer than women, especially when women died in labor, which was extremely common. And it's only been since the beginning of the 1900s that women have significantly begun to outlive men. But most textbooks and researchers aren't going to tell you that, and most of us will continue to be taught that women have always outlived men.

There is research that shows that women are dying younger now, but if you Google "women dying younger" like I did most of the articles are just gonna tell you they're dying younger than their mothers/female predecessors, even though men's life expectancy is rising while women's is dropping. Researchers say this is because more women are smoking, drinking, using drugs, and leading less healthy lifestyles, while more men are smoking less, less likely to be obese, and exercise more, which helps reduce stress. Many male deaths are linked to crime and violence, but if you lined men and women up without any violence affecting anyone, men's life spans would be close to or equal to women's.

If you were to Google "men living longer" you won't find too many articles on it because researchers are afraid of being "sexist," but there are a few that talk about it:


Even in Britain too, lol: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-187829/Why-men-living-longer.html


So while women prefer to think that men are less emotionally stable and break more, men actually have more advantages in health and stress than the media and experts will really tell you. Right now it's extremely common for the media to show women having plusses all across the board in almost everything in these times, because nowadays we're about trying to be more fair to women, giving them wins, and showing how advantageous they are, especially in health and money, but the experts and media still are not being 100% honest with you, and don't want to be or they'll look "sexist."

Some women who know about the facts of women's decling health and life expectancy try to blame it on the medical fields, saying that it doesn't care about women's health as much as men's, even though more research is done on women, and the cancer societies fight for women to survive cancer more than they do for men.

Do I think men are eternal Supermen? Not at all, but I do think we're not lucking out as much as women prefer to think, nor are women really winning as big as they like to think and as much as they're taught.

I'm giving a few special invites to read this Take to @Chief16 if he's interested, @nalaa because she often uses a lot of studies in her answers and said research shows that women handle stress better yet doesn't even know about the research I posted in this Take, and @Applefan1. He's a pretty cool guy so he might find this interesting.

Women Handle Stress Better Than Men?
14 Opinion