The Truth About Acceptance

The truth about acceptance

I am not one to shy away from controversial topics, I have the right to my opinion the same as anyone else. People on gag ask for thoughts and just like any other I share those thoughts, yet there are people who will fight and argue till no end because they did not like what was said.

*I do not agree with homosexuality
*I do not agree with promiscuity
*I do not agree with abortion
*I think feminism is stupid
*I am against the LGBT community

I have many other opinions that are very much against the norm on gag, and for those opinions I catch a lot of grief. Something I've noticed is that there is a pack mentality on this website so I would like to address a few things that I've had issues with on several occasions.

The Truth About Acceptance

"Not everyone believes in God or sin."

- This is usually said to me after someone asked me for my reasoning on not liking something or being highly against it. My question to you is "what's your point?" It doesn't matter if not everyone believes in God because not everyone is against him. Not everyone is an atheist, not everyone hates Christians, not everyone shares your point of view either. I am aware that not everyone believes in God, just by looking at society that point has been made very clear, but just because most people don't follow the same God I do doesn't mean my opinion is unreliable or less important.

The Truth About Acceptance

"I just want you to be more open minded."

-What is making me closed minded? Or for that matter, what qualifies YOU as "open minded." I don't just randomly form an opinion without any thought, I have the mental capacity to look at things from another perspective, analyze the situation in their shoes and understand their reasoning for the way they live their life. However, just because I understand doesn't mean I need to be okay with it. If you're for something and I'm against it, what makes me any more closed minded than you are open? If that is the case then every single person on planet earth who has ever formed an opinion or taken a stance is closed minded, including YOU.

The Truth About Acceptance

"You're just a bigot!"

-Lol, no I'm not. I genuinely believe certain behaviors are disgusting but that in no way makes me a bigot, or sexist, or homophobic. It certainly doesn't mean I deserve to die, should kill myself, or be set on fire as a few of you members have requested of me. All it means is I have differing views. I have gay and lesbian friends, I have a gay brother that thinks he's a girl, a lesbian sister, gay aunts and uncles, and gay and lesbian cousins. Every single last one of them has become that way through molestation, rape, incest and conditioning. For all the gay people my parents have met and many others the same story holds true. I think it is bad, it is wrong, it is disgusting, and it's certainly not normal. Now, do I treat these people poorly? No. Absolutely not. I treat them the same way I treat anyone else... Like a person.

The Truth About Acceptance

"Judging people is bad!"

-No, it isn't. Every opinion you've ever formed is the result of judgment. The group of friends you have, your taste in music, what you like and don't like in a person, your values, your dislikes. All of those are the result of a judgment. Judging things helps shape us into the people we are. Passing judgment allows us to make the most appropriate decisions for our lives. Not judging things, situations, and people is what is bad and frankly dangerous. If we never judged the consequences of certain actions, hanging around certain people, or being in certain places we would have died off a long time ago. Being a hypocrite and condemning someone for something you yourself are doing is what is bad and should be fought against. Not the actual act of judgment.

Why are you arguing with me?

The Truth About Acceptance

Many people will ask me "why did you post your opinion if you didn't want anyone saying anything to you." That is a bunch of garbage. I shouldn't be afraid to speak my mind and share my thoughts because those who cry for "acceptance" and "tolerance" can't accept and tolerate my differing views.

I post my opinion because it was requested for. I don't post my opinion to specifically discuss and debate with others. I don't post my opinion to get into an argument with three or four people at a time. I don't post MY opinion for someone to "change my perspective" Because the truth is, I'm not looking for another outlook on life.

I'm whole and complete as a person I choose to share MY outlook with others. If I don't specifically request debatable points then I'm not asking for a debate. Acceptance of others is not about agreeing with them.

The Truth About Acceptance

I DO NOT need to accept the kind of person you are in order to accept you're a person

I am a very understanding person. I'm a very kind person. But I do not need to be okay with ANYTHING about you, your character, your lifestyle choices, or anything that goes against MY beliefs to treat you like a human being and with respect.

Acceptance and tolerance is not accepting what you do, but instead is treating you like a human being in spite of it

The Truth About Acceptance

The Truth About Acceptance
5 Opinion