Stop Bitching About Millennials Being Lazy and Entitled!

People really need to stop bitching about millenials being lazy and wanting things handed to them

You see A LOT of older people especially or conservatives calling millennials lazy or wanting everything in life handed to them.

That is not the case. We don't want everything handed to us. The fact is WE DO actually have more problems to deal with than older generations, all because the older generations thought people like Reagan (The traitor,

1. College is FAR more expensive than older generations who had it.

Stop Bitching About Millennials Being Lazy and Entitled!

Yeah, when older people whine about "Those lazy millenials wanting free college, I didn't get that and I turned out okay."

These people are being INCREDIBLY ignorant about really how much the cost of college has increased. Not only that, but while that would be fine if wages had increased with them, but as you can see, THEY HAVEN'T.

So yeah, We aren't wanting affordable or free college because we are lazy, we are wanting these things because unlike what the people complaining about us we actually realize that it has gotten so freaking expensive, and the older generations actually should stop their bitching because THEY DIDN'T HAVE THIS PROBLEM.

2. Rent has GONE WAY UP.

When people whine about all these millenials moving out much later than older generations. They are not taking into account that again older generations had FAR lower rents. This is just another example of older generations acting like things in this country have not changed. They have, and if they weren't ignorant about these things and so incredibly stuck in their ways, they would realize that. So when we want the government to take action on these issues, its not because we are lazy, its simply because they have gotten much worse than they used to be.

3. Employers are far less willing to hire people our age

Stop Bitching About Millennials Being Lazy and Entitled!

Yes, we are having trouble with unemployment because companies all to often are simply wanting a lot of work experience for entry level jobs. What older people and conservatives fail to realize is that my generations is all too frequently faced with the 'You need an entry level job but to get it you need work experience that you can only get from at least an entry level job.' The Mortons Fork Dilemma. We would be extremely willing to work yet work is so hard to find right now, So you bitch about us wanting to raise the minimum wage but we are merely looking for a living wage, if companies would hire us for work in our fields, don't you think we'd take it, anyone who has worked a retail job knows just how much it sucks.

4. Millenials aren't lazy or stupid or irresponsible compared to older generations, if anything its the opposite.

Now when anyone of the older generation complains about Millennials and their lack of responsibility when it comes to sex and pregnancy the fact is not only are you wrong but people in glass houses should not throw stones because the numbers say that its you who were the lazy, stupid and irresponsible ones, and unlike you guys, the numbers do not lie.

Stop Bitching About Millennials Being Lazy and Entitled!

Dear Older Generations, Don't fucking say that we are the irresponsible ones. We are not, YOU WERE. Frankly if anything, we are far more responsible when it comes to teen pregnancy that you were so really just stop fucking whining.

Now it doesn't stop there either.

Its been said that we are all on drugs

Again, Glass Houses because the numbers show otherwise

Stop Bitching About Millennials Being Lazy and Entitled!

Yeah, We aren't doing more drugs, WE ARE DOING LESS. I don't know if you are remember the the Baby Boomers and the hippie movement and all the LSD and Weed and Shrooms your generation did but thats the line of thought I'm leaning to.

Also when you call us Lazy, We aren't and while older generations may have had Jobs.

Statistically, 4/5 students work part time these days. The fact is that while students may have held down a job, It wasn't 4/5 of them. So no, Lazy We are not,

And do not think I'm done, we are not more stupid than older generations. We are far less likely to be a high school dropout than older generations:

And there is a FAR higher percentage of us attaining a college degree than older generations

Stop Bitching About Millennials Being Lazy and Entitled!

So, No, we are not stupid, lazy, Irresponsible and I would really appreciate it if older generations would stop being fucking hypocrites about that, Thanks.

I wrote this take because I'm tired of getting criticized because apparently according to older generations, my generation is lazy, ignorant, wanting things handed to them, or irresponsible. The numbers say otherwise and number don't lie.

Stop Bitching About Millennials Being Lazy and Entitled!
29 Opinion