A Message For the Depressed Student: Things Can Change

A message to those who are depressed.

The differences between high school and middle school..


In middle school I had no one to call a friend, I was a outcast, a reject, a abomination to society and I didn't know why. People would call me a fat ugly bitch and laugh in my face as I cried. I always sat alone at lunch because people would quickly leave their seats and run away from me. Someone started a rumor that the reason I looked so awful was because I did hard drugs, now I'm banned from that school altogether.

People would rip up my folders, trash my backpack and push me to the ground. The people who I thought were my friends would tell me my face looked disgusting, get surgery and I need to lose weight if I wanted people to like me. I overheard my friend call me a Niger and an embarrassment. For some reason everyone thought I was retarded or stupid when they took a first glance at me. ( including the teachers) so I was extruded from every group activity and every outing for six long years and cyber bullied.

A Message For the Depressed Student: Things Can Change

On my first day of high school a few people showed me around the school and made sure I knew where everything was so I wouldn't get lost, guys were very kind to me and would buy me food and drinks, ask me on dates, and respect me. even in public if someone noticed I was lose on change or they had left over money they'd gladly pay for my groceries and the things I couldn't afford. I had people to sit with at lunch, I won awards, and I got better grades. I was judged, but judged less, people gave me a chance instead of quickly writing me off like others did years ago. The bullying stopped. The words fat and ugly were replaced with beautiful and skinny, I was judged on my character instead of my looks. And now I'm a stronger person with a bigger heart.

What I'm really trying to say is things change and nothing truly stays the same. When we're in bad situations long enough we think it will be forever. In middle school I never thought things would change so dramatically I never thought in a million years high school would be so great, I never thought someone like me would ever be treated so well, or given so much assistance. I went from being bullied to having friends and a support system. So remember guys, if your feeling depressed, your single, your homeless, your bullied, or your starving just remember that everything is temporary and one day it'll all change. And that's the difference between high school and middle school.


A Message For the Depressed Student: Things Can Change
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