Abortion Rights: It's a Simple Choice, Right?


People have been arguing about abortion rights in the United States for decades. Part of that is because they are not just arguing about abortion, they are also arguing about the power and influence that religion should have in American politics.

Abortion Rights: It's a Simple Choice, Right?

Whenever you think about a problem that is complex as abortion rights are, you need to think about the EXTREME CASES. So let's do that.

OK. Let's say I give you the latest Star Trek phaser, with in-built Artificial Intelligence, and it's set on disintegrate. You point it, and the computer inside your phaser "knows" what you're pointing at. You can't miss, you will ONLY disintegrate what you're aiming at, and disintegration is instantaneous and painless.

Case one:

On a Petri dish I place a healthy fertile human egg, and a single healthy fertile human sperm. On the table next to us is the first man with a tissue-engineered womb, ready to accept that fertilized egg - he's not happy about it, but he's ready (I know, you'd think he'd be ecstatic - go figure) I'm going to give him a little extra Ativan- he looks nervous.

I tell you to look through the microscope and the second the sperm fertilizes the egg - FIRE your phaser. You do, completely disintegrating that fertilized egg.

Now I ask you, "Do you feel bad?" If you're like me, you say, "Hell no!" "There was no human there, No mind, no thought, and no pain." Both of us feel fine. The guy jumps off the table and tells us he's going on vacation since he won't be pregnant - YAY!

Abortion Rights: It's a Simple Choice, Right?

Case two:

We have another guy (where are all these guys coming from?) who is REALLY unhappy about:

1) having been pregnant for 8 months, 29 days, 23 hours, and 59 seconds. AND

2) He doesn't want this kid, and never did.

We are present at what will (soon) be the birth. We're looking up his massively distended penis (LOL) and we can see the baby's head. I tell you, "Ensign, Phaser set on disintegrate - FIRE!"

Do you disintegrate that not-yet-born fetus? If you do, how do you feel about it?

The question is WHERE between those two extremes do we say, "Oh, that's fine. There's no one there." and feel free to FIRE PHASERS?

That is where the arguments start.

Abortion Rights: It's a Simple Choice, Right?

Some people, the "pro-lifers" say to themselves, "Well, no-one can REALLY know where that line is between not-baby and baby, so don't touch any of it. Anyone who does is committing a murder." (They probably don't actually *think* themselves, they have others think for them, but that's the gist.

Other people, the "Pro-choice" say, (and I'm one of them), "Well, we don't know exactly where that line is, but we can step far enough back that we can be sure that we're not over that line." The problem is, do we all agree how far back is FAR ENOUGH? I think we can, but I can't prove it.

Another complication is that, as medical care improves, younger and younger fetuses are able to live and become babies. (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preterm_birth ) James Elgin Gill is or was the earliest premature baby in the world. He was 128 days premature or (21 weeks and 5 days gestation, which is not quite 5 months) He survived and is quite healthy.

And that is why there are the arguments that there are. Because it's NOT simple, it's NOT clear-cut, and NO-ONE can prove that they are definitively right (or that the other is definitively wrong.) Add to that, that it's never as simple as the imaginary scenarios above.

Abortion Rights: It's a Simple Choice, Right?

Women get hurt during abortions, rarely they die. If we fail to provide medical abortions, MORE women will die trying to do it themselves or using back-ally abortionists.

Because of the cost of doing abortions safely, and because most of the women who need an abortion are poor, public funds are often used to pay for the abortions. Some portion of those funds come from taxes paid by the people (see above) who feel abortion is murder. Those people object, and I can to some degree see their point.

Just to make things more complicated, there's another issue. The women (girls mostly) who need these abortions did not get pregnant by themselves. There is commonly another person involved. often referred to as the father.

Now, due to our American system of law, men are held to be responsible for supporting their children (they don't always do so, but under the law they are expected and required to do so.) An argument could be made that if you are responsible for a child (under the law) and have to pay for that child (under the law) you should have some say over what happens to that child. Surely determining whether it lives or dies should be considered an important issue for a father to have at least some minimal input.

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Abortion Rights: It's a Simple Choice, Right?
53 Opinion