Bodily Rights and Abortion


Questions regarding abortion are strangely incredibly frequent on this site. As with some of my other myTakes this one is intended to give my response to some of the more frequent questions so I don't have to consistently write the same thing and can instead just link here in the future.

Bodily Rights and Abortion

I was once a "pro-life" supporter, but my views changed relatively quickly after hearing the bodily rights argument. My thoughts on this issue are fairly simple and as such I think this will actually be incredibly short.

Many of these conversations devolve into an argument about personhood and whether or not a fetus should count as a person. Those who propose forcing a woman to remain pregnant against her wishes will state that the fetus is a person and has a right to life. Those who disagree state that a fetus is not a person and as such does not have rights. I think this argument is pointless and unnecessary. I think it is pointless because the most coherent and powerful pro-choice argument is cogent regardless of personhood. The bodily rights argument is simply that no person has the right to use another person's body to sustain their life (absent their consent), and as such neither does a fetus. For the sake of argument I could grant a fetus every right associated with personhood and that would still not grant them the right to live in or on another person without their consent.

I think that one of the most powerful arguments that I heard on this subject is that if we force a woman to give up her right to self autonomy in preference of the fetus then we are actually granting women less rights than we grant corpses. In my country a person has to consent to be an organ donor, and if they are not an organ donor we cannot take their organs after their death regardless of how many people it could help. Yet by the millions people think that a woman should be forced to give up her uterus to another person.

Bodily Rights and Abortion

That's really it. Arguments over personhood, the sanctity of life, etc are irrelevant. No person has the right to another's body without their consent and continued consent. I don't have a right to your organs, you don't have a right to mine, a 2 year old doesn't have a right to it's mother's organs, and neither does a fetus. Anyway, hope this was concise enough, and as always correct me on anything you think I got wrong.

Bodily Rights and Abortion
64 Opinion