Getting Drunk Is YOUR Fault and Yes, There Are Consequences

It's simple: unless someone holds you down and forces a bottle of vodka down your throat, you are by your own volition choosing to hinder your sense of judgement. If you get knocked up while you're drunk, well, maybe you should've thought about that before you went and got sauced.

If someone takes advantage of you because you're drunk, yes they are a piece of shit who should rot in jail, but you're also an idiot. Oh wait I'm sorry, you were just "having fun" and no one should obstruct your right to "have fun," should they? You should be able to get as drunk as you like wherever you like without having to worry about those pesky bad people out there right?

Getting Drunk Is YOUR Fault and Yes, There Are Consequences

I'm sure it'd be nice to be able to do whatever the fuck you like with no thought of personal safety, but this real life. This isn't Care Bear Fun Land where you can leave your doors unlocked or walk down any dark alley and act like there's nothing that could possibly go wrong. But some people think like that, they think, "oh I'll be a moron and then cry when it blows up in my face and no one has the right to judge me."

Getting Drunk Is YOUR Fault and Yes, There Are Consequences

I will judge you and I'm not the villain for doing so. I'm the voice of common sense trying desperately to permeate this victim complex and abject disinterest in personal responsibility. When you decide to get plastered as fuck and it ends up with you getting fucked while you're unconscious, you know what? You're an idiot. No you didn't deserve it; yes the rapist is still a rapist and that's bad, but if you just hadn't made such stupid choices, you know what else? It wouldn't have even happened. Imagine that.

Look, this applies to alcohol, it applies to drugs, it applies to all the moronic things people do that get themselves hurt.

Poor choices people. That's all it is. Poor choices that lead to terrible outcomes. Being drunk just makes you more prone to them and that part is YOUR fault.

it doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that in ALL circumstances, your actions have consequences and you need to take responsibility for your safety. Because the world outside your home is not your safe space where you can throw caution to the wind.

Getting Drunk Is YOUR Fault and Yes, There Are Consequences
Post Opinion