Why Women Are Responsible For the Breakdown of Relationships

Why Women Are Responsible For the Breakdown of Relationships

Yes, I do believe that it's mostly women who have destroyed the family unit and life-long marriage, but I also believe that women are the ones who can fix it.

For thousands of years, people understood that strong family units were necessary for the good of human civilization. A loving husband caring and providing for his wife and children was something to be cherished. It was never seen as something oppressive. However, in just a few decades, marriage and family in the western world has become obsolete. This didn't happen by accident. Only a fool would think that. There has been a concerted effort by those in power to destroy the family. And I'll explain how they used women to do it:

Why Women Are Responsible For the Breakdown of Relationships

It's quite simple really: Feminism, the sexual revolution, and the change in the divorce laws. Feminism claimed to be about equality, but at the same time it was also a rebellion against the institution of marriage. Feminism encouraged young women to believe that they would be happier in the workplace, rather than being full-time mothers with a loving husband. Feminism encouraged young women to believe that sex should be separated from marriage and that being single and promiscuous was liberating.

For anyone to claim that feminism is only about equality is a big fat lie. If you research 1960's feminism, you will discover that it was also an attack on marriage and motherhood. Around this time, there was also a change in family laws. Most of the power was handed over to the wife, and fathers were eventually stripped of their rights. Women were now free to commit adultery and still get full custody of the children, and very often their husbands property. When these changes were made, divorce rates dramatically increased, and most divorces were instigated by women. Today, about 80% of divorces are done by women.

The end result of all this is a society that puts sex, pleasure, and greed above love and commitment. The government has now replaced the role of fathers and husbands, so there is no need for men to grow up and take responsibility. Men no longer feel needed or respected like they use to be, so they can now avoid marriage and just use women for sex. Now, if you are happy with all this, then I pity you. But there have been many studies that reveal both men and women are becoming more unhappy.

Why Women Are Responsible For the Breakdown of Relationships

But the main problem is the brainwashing of the media and education system. From a very young age, young girls and women are indoctrinated with feminist lies. They are encouraged to believe that marriage and motherhood is outdated and that going to university and being single is the best thing for women. And what's sad is that most young women believe all these lies they are fed by man-hating feminists and education bullshit. And the evil people behind this agenda sit back and laugh at the destruction of our society.

So yes, I mostly blame women because women allowed themselves to be sucked into this agenda. Far too many women have used their freedoms and privileges to destroy the family. Women have been brainwashed to seek power instead of love. Instead of empowering men, women emasculate men and become masculine themselves. Depriving themselves of love and marriage, many of these women end up lonely and miserable. Call me old fashioned, but I do believe that women, in general, were much happier when they were at home with their children and having a loving husband. Why on earth would women be happier staying single and a slave to their employer, just to prove that they're a strong independant woman? Why are so many women deluded into believing that love and life-long marriage will make them unhappy?

The truth is, women hold the power. All women need to do is stop sleeping with bad boys and jerks and start seeking nice, genuine men. I know it's easier said than done, but it's still very possible. Secondly, women need to stop using the divorce laws and family courts to screw men over and not to use their kids as a weapon, as so many women do. If women started to do this, more men would be willing to commit and get married and the family unit could be fixed. Women have the power to choose which man gets to sleep with them, so if women continue to sleep with assholes and give up on love and marriage, then the family unit will never be fixed. I wish women could be beautiful again, like they once were, honorable and trustworthy. Love and marriage isn'ta curse, it's a blessing. Women, please become beautiful again and resist the lies and brainwashing of feminism and the media.

Why Women Are Responsible For the Breakdown of Relationships
Why Women Are Responsible For the Breakdown of Relationships
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