What It Is Like to Be an Outcast in Highschool


What it is like to be an outcast in Highschool

Hello, this is my first myTake on here so please be gentle with me senpai XD.

Before I start let me define what a social outcast. A social outcast is just that, an oddity that doesn't belong in the peer group. It's kind of like trying to fit an already completed puzzle with a puzzle pieces that doesn't even belong.

What is it like being an social outcast?

It sucks, we as human beings are naturally social creatures and tend not to do all to well without another human being. But enough of that, I'll tell you guys what it is like being a social outcast. Everyday when I entered the building I could feel eyes constantly following me, making me want to run away and drop out forever. To feel envious of those around you for even having friends! To know that no matter how hard you try that they'll never accept you. To know that everywhere you go they treat you like the plague. To know that everyday you go out of your home, your slowly falling deeper and deeper into darkness with no light in sight. To know that even if the sky way high in the sky you will always be in darkness. To become terrified of ever going back to school just so you don't have to see their happy faces enjoying their life. Call me selfish but I use to think, why can't they talk to me? I use to wait and wait for people to talk to me until I came realization. I'm not someone important enough for someone to start a conversation with. So I tried talking to people first, that ended up with two results either them just outright ignoring me or just engage in a little half assed small talk. Tired of the constant pattern I stopped. That was the moment I realized that no matter how hard I tried I will never make any friends or much less an impressed on anyone. That was three years ago and guess what? Four school transfers and not a single bloody friend or even anyone who remembers me. Now what? I'm a 17 almost 18 year old guy who lacks the capabilities of functioning like a normal human being in society. against my peer group as a whole. That's what it is like to be a social outcast in Highschool, it's an envious, lonely, dark life style with the only perk to it is that you lack any drama in your life. But what brings a social outcast joy? Being involved in any conversation, listening to music having someone anyone to talk to! What is the one sentence that'll make any social outcast cry when they are in their darkest moment? ," You are not worthless." I mean at least for me it was. Anyway that's my take on being a social outcast.

What It Is Like to Be an Outcast in Highschool
3 Opinion