Why breastfeeding should be given more support.

Goodwifie u

Here's MyTake on breastfeeding mothers and why we need to be more supportive of them instead of looking at them with disgust .

First of all I believe that fed is best weather a baby drinks from a bottle or their mothers breast. It doesn't matter to me as long as both mother and baby are happy and healthy.

Why breastfeeding should be given more support.

One thing that I'll never understand is why people think breastfeeding is gross and something to be hidden away so that no one can see. Is it merely for the reason of a woman's body and especially her breast being overly sexualized. Sure breasts are nice to look at and even more fun to touch but they actually serve as source of nutrition for a baby.

I'm going to go through a few opinions that I've seen on here.

Why breastfeeding should be given more support.

It's fine as long as she covers herself and the baby with a blanket.

Pro : people will not be offended by the fact that a baby is fed and that they may see a little bit of boob.

Why breastfeeding should be given more support.

Cons: baby loves making eye contact with his or her mother as they are feeding and the mother looking at her baby while it's feeding can often help her to produce more milk.

OK so that doesn't mean that she can't cover up am I right ? sure it's easy to cover up a new born baby but once they discover that they have little arms and hands that can grab at things including said blanket 😳. Next thing you know you're being confronted with the sight of a baby being fed. Yes this did happen to me on an outing with my first born but I think I was more embarrassed then the people who were around me so I got over it and kept on feeding him.

Now let's set the scene in a cafe or restaurant.

Can't she feed the baby in the toilet?

Pro: no one around her is put off their food by the sight of her nursing her baby.

Why breastfeeding should be given more support.

Cons: toilets stink 💩😕

Her food or her tea/coffee will go cold , nursing mothers get incredibly hungry and often need a caffeine fix from all of those night time feeds.

MYTH :she could step out for a little while because breastfeeding only takes one minute or so 😕. It can take almost an hour for some babies to finish feeding. My husband used to cut my food up for me so I could eat and nurse at the same time ❤ Now that's what I call team work.

I can't pee in public so why is she allowed to breastfeed in public : Sorry but I really don't have a pro for this one .

Why breastfeeding should be given more support.

Con: WTF pee is human waste and it stinks these two things can never be compared to each other. FYI I have never changed my child's nappy in a restaurant or cafe let alone in public.

She could express her milk for the outing.

Pro: we don't have to whiteness a baby being fed from it's mothers breast.

Why breastfeeding should be given more support.

Con: The breast milk can turn bad if it's not stored right. All the goodness can be destroyed if it is heated up too much or even burn the poor babies mouth besides milk straight from a mother's breast is at exactly the right temperature. Missing feeds by using expressed milk can cause breast engorgement (this is painful) and puts the mother at a greater risk of getting mastitis (blocked milk ducts) also and even more painful and often requires antibiotics to clear it up.

I'll also challenge anyone here to drink a liter of water and not go for a pee for around 4 hours it hurts to have a full bladder and not being able to empty it.

I really hope that I have helped some of you who are against public breastfeeding with some useful facts about nursing mothers.

Being a new mother is quite often challenging and extremely lonely at times and I have written this Mytake from my own knowledge of motherhood .

Why breastfeeding should be given more support.
Why breastfeeding should be given more support.
64 Opinion