Men Need to Do Self Care More Often

Self-care was the trend of 2018, and while more than half of millennial women made it their priority, many men have yet to embrace it. Perhaps put off by misleading notions of candlelit bubble baths and yoga, it’s time that men see self-care for what it is; listening to your body and taking care of your mental and physical wellbeing.

Of all the suicides in 2017, 75% were male. In the US, there are only 28 mental health workers per 100,000 people. Committing to self care means that you find ways to strengthen your mental health before tackling problems that seem too large to overcome. It means reaching out and talking to people, taking small day to day opportunities to see the positives in your situation. It’s time self-care is treated as an important priority for everyone. Treat your body and mind with kindness; get them checked over, exercise them, feed them well and nourish them.

Men Need to Do Self Care More Often

Self-care is also seen as for women only because it tends to mainly be women who promote it. This is due to the fact that most mental health bloggers and advocates are women. So looking after your well-being becomes perceived as effeminate. And this perception may be enhanced by the kind of posts you see on social media or on blogs, where self-care is presented in a gender-specific way, perhaps using images of flowers and hearts, or with self-care written in ‘girly’ font or in pink. Honestly in my experience, when a man is doing anything considered feminine it's another man that makes him feel bad.

Most importantly, talk and listen. If men can help other men to practice self care without embarrassment, the boys and young men of today will grow up surrounded by true superheroes.

1. Go for a run or walk
2. Get a massage
3. Take a long shower or bath
4. Cook a nice meal for yourself
5. Get a haircut or get your beard groomed
6. Create a relaxing bedtime routine
7. Take a few seconds to deep breath

Men Need to Do Self Care More Often

8. Moisturize your face and skin
9. Make tea or coffee and just drink it in silence
10. Try toga or meditation
11. Go shopping
12. Go to bed early
13. Verbalize feelings for people you care about
14. Go for a hike
15. Practice saying, "no"
16. Try out a face mask
17. Stop repressing your emotions.

Men Need to Do Self Care More Often

18. Talk to someone you trust about anything that has been stressing you out
19. Tell yourself positive affirmations
20. Turn off your phone and read a new book
21. Jornal freely and brain dump all your thoughts and creative ideas
22. Call someone you love
23. Dress up even for a casual day
24. Remind yourself to be patient with yourself

Men Need to Do Self Care More Often

25. Ask for help
26. Go out to dinner, yourself
27. Try out a new TV show or movie
28. Do a workbook for mental health
29. Unplug from technology for an hour
30. Try something new

Men Need to Do Self Care More Often
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