Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.

Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.


I'm writing this Mytake to bring awareness of the colossal power all sorts of media wields over the general population in a society which most people seem oblivious too.

The media is the 4th power of state to keep the populace well informed or ill informed and even though they don't hold political power, they can help form strong thoughts, feelings and strengthen preconceived ideas to influence and manipulate using shady tactics to create and push agendas (I will discuss below) in a society from cultural settings to political views and often times are a big help in getting political leaders elected into public office.

Drilled With Brainwashing To Form Obedient Cattle.

Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.

Most people are physically lazy, they don't want to work if they don't have to or at least not hard.

Moreover, the significant damage is when a person is intentionally and intellectually lazy, where they don't desire to put any to little effort to think for themselves, but rather find comfort in sitting in front of a TV setting or listening to someone else on a radio to suggest how one should feel and think and figure things out for them.

Such lazy thinkers is what we call "sheep" they don't dare to question the status quo or what they are being told or suggested to accept, but rather they bow down without any resistance and conform to what they are told to believe and accept.

24 Hour Cable News Outlets.

Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.

There was a time before 24 hour cable news, internet access on a whim where people had to wait a certain time of day and night and depend on their local news and newspaper to get informed locally of their local affairs and country wide of major or important news.

Moreover, those days of waiting for the local newspaper in the morning or local news to come on at 5PM in the afternoon are long gone after 24 hours cable news cycle, internet and Apps.

Now, the brainwashing can be a literal 24/7 constant attack on what the media desires to inform or suggest to the public their agendas with much success.

Migration Manipulation.

Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.

The narrative being pushed through media concerning migration in particular massive illegal migration to foreign land is that migration enriches a country's culture by mixing it with various different cultures, builds the economy, eliminates hate and racism.

When on the contrary multiculturalism (Maybe except for the USA) tends to breed evil suspicion, discomfort, envy, hate and racism which often can turn into physical ugly conflicts and civil wars.

Its natural for humans to be tribal and to desire a homogeneous society where their fellow peers physically look like them, share the same language and the same social traditions and cultural beliefs and customs.

The media would have you believe or try to guilt trip you if you don't desire massive migrants or want them out of your country, then you are by default a bigot, xenophobic and a racist who is full of hate.

Bang, Bang, Bang Oh No It's Islamophobia.

Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.

Now, let me make this very clear as I have before on this site, I despise the religion of Islam which is barbaric, oppressive and backwards especially towards women but I don't hate muslims in general and respect their right to choose and practice their religion as long they don't try to jihad against people.

There are almost 2 billion professed muslims around the world, many of them who are violent radicals and as I'm writing this I'm sure some are sitting in a basement with other fellow muslims radicals plotting and trying to figure out what train station they are going to blow up and murder many innocent civilians with terrorism.

Muslim Arabs throughout history have been a major headache to each other and other non Arab people and often times invading other people lands demanding their way of life or be slaughtered; yet the media likes to portray Islam as a religion peace, which that ridiculous phrase often was repeated and started by former president Bush Jr. after the 9/11 terrorist attack (which was an inside job by the way.)

Under President Obama's administration, Obama made super sure Islam wasn't vilified in the media and the media made sure to agree.

Obama often times would come to muslims and Islam in their defends faster than a lizard snatches a fly into its mouth when a muslim committed a terrorist attack which many attacks happened under his administration.

Obama, was so self conscience and made a very exerted effort to make sure he didn't even called the terrorist acts by its name which was radical Islamic terrorism but would rather use a political correct broad stupid term of "extremism" to push away heat from Islam and what it actually stands for which is subjugation and oppression.

Don't blame people for having phobia of Islam and radical muslims when they have proven many times over they are capable of the most atrocious violent attacks against humanity to be in a hurry and eager to go to paradise and deflower their 72 virgins. 😏

Note: For the record I'm neither Democrat or Republican. Conservative or liberal.

I'm a independent centrist with intense common sense.

Gun Control Narrative.

Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.

I'm sick and tired of hearing the gun control narrative in the media, I understand background checks are necessary to keep violent and mental psychos from purchasing guns.

Moreover, after every mass shooting the gun control topic pops up, it's like the media is trying to do the government's bidding by constantly demanding gun control which probably actually means to disarm all citizens.

Guns in the right hands keeps people safe from the bad guys who often times have guns and will never give up carrying guns, often illegal guns, besides, cops aren't anyone's personal bodyguards nor can't they be everywhere at once which to me doesn't matter anyways since cops are useless in my opinion.

The LGBT-QRTYUIZFHK And Their Constant Foolishness.

Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.

I'm openly 100% against LGBT, in fact I think it's a serious mental illness and those people need medical psychiatric help, but I don't hate LGBT people.

I'm however, beyond sick of LGBT people using the media and the media giving them unwavering support and protection to manipulate and trying to censor and punish those who critic or mock LGBT publically.

The LGBT community constantly advocates for freedom and equality and not to discriminate against them and they get equality with rights to be able to get married, but that's apparently not enough; transgenders want to use public bathrooms that doesn't correspond with their biological gender and worse of all they try to infiltrate and influence the minds of the most innocent and vulnerable in our society which is children by producing gay cartoons or making it seen LGBT is normal which clearly it isn't.

The More Masculine The Better!

Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.

I hate the phrase "Toxic masculinity" like what the f@#$ is that suppose to mean?

I see young men today like teens and men in their early 20's and I get the urge to just want to physically hit them because they look and act like a bunch of pussies.

The young men of today have been badly deceived and brainwashed through movies and TV shows depicting where the man is often the weak passive moron who can't figure nothing out and thinking it's bad to show aggression or anger when that's a manly man trait because of high testosterone in a man's body.

I'm not saying men should act like wild untamed beasts, but you as a man should be strong, confident, bold and have a bit of controlled aggression instead of being overly emotional, passive and submissive which is a feminine trait.

Don't let the media nor these stupid radical feminists shame you for acting like a manly man.

If they are bothered or say something about you being or showing "toxic masculinity" then tell them to go to hell.

Interracial Dating Being Promoted.

Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.

I'm pretty if you see commercials, you will notice interracial relationships are heavily being promoted, but there's one specific kind of interracial relationships being promoted and it's a black man with a white woman.

You rarely see a white man with black woman, or Asian with white or black person in commercials.

If its all about diversity then why aren't other than white woman and black man being promoted in the media when they date as well?

It's because in my opinion it's not about "diversity" but I think a steamy agenda to push black men who have always desired to kiss white people ass especially the white woman who they have a fetish and fantasy for to marry or at least procreate biracial children, because biracial children especially between white and black parents suffer identity crisis because they feel they don't belong to white people or don't feel black enough to feel accepted by the black community.

In other words what I'm trying to say people who have no solid identity or full race they belong to will often times feel isolated and suffer from low self esteem and lack self love and its super easy for the government to control and manipulate a populace that has no solid identity roots or won't care and suffers from low self esteem.

If you have any other theory, let me hear it because I'm curious.

Note: I'm 100% against interracial relationships.

I believe in whites with whites, blacks with blacks, Indians with Indians etc. Conserve your own people by reproducing with your own people.


Sorry, I didn't intent for such a long Mytake, nevertheless, remember the government and media isn't always your friend.

There are some very powerful and rich people in this world with ugly and shady agendas.

Always resist and question everything you are tought and fed with your own mind and think for yourself researching multiple resources to find the truth.

Remember, Hitler's minister of propaganda, Joseph goebbels, sayings.

Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.
Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.
Media Dirty Tactics Of Influence, Manipulation And Fear.
8 Opinion