Why I am moving to Canada!

Why I am moving to Canada!

I have been contemplating moving to Canada for a while now.

Now, that I have done my research and learned some things. I think that it is best for me to move to Canada after graduation. I have been left no choice...I gotta get the hell up out of here!

Where I’m from?

I am from the US. I have lived there all of my life. In fact, I have never left here, not even for vacation. Now, I know what some of you may be thinking. “What is so bad about America?” “There’s bad stuff going on everywhere.” “There are people going through (said thing that is worse) in ___ country. You should appreciate it here.” The thing is, the US may not be as bad as other countries (current events), but it is still a shit show. There are so many problems and sweeping the under the rug doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. There are problems with the legal system, healthcare, racism/sexism/homophobia/etc. Just because “this country” allows this, and technically it’s illegal here doesn’t mean that it isn’t tolerated here.


I am a college student. In case you didn’t know college is VERY expensive. I study biology, and I do have plans on returning. However, I don’t wanna go just to go. It should be something similar to my dream job. Unless, I go out of state there’s barely any programs that fit my expectations. Out-of-state tuition can add thousands of extra dollars for the same degree. Why do that when I can go to Canada and go to the program I’ve been looking for A LOT cheaper. 2 years in a school in Canada (minus the extra fees and as a international student) is the same price if not lower than a SEMESTER of schooling here in America.


I am aware that the world is evil no matter where you go. However, I can say that I don’t feel safe in America. With school shooting happening way too often, police brutality, abductions, and many more. Again, I know this happens everywhere, but 1) Canada actually holds people accountable. 2) Incidents happen less than America 3) There is stuff actually being done to make these numbers so low (i.e. consistent gun control, officers getting fired, etc.) I would rather live somewhere that I feel safer than not safe at all.


Canada looks out for their citizens. They have affordable schooling, healthcare, and proper actions for protection (as mentioned before). The US doesn’t care about their citizens as long as they’re getting money out of them. They consistently pick battles with other countries and then put our safety at risk. Then for the people who fight, (some people will be mad) they don’t care about veterans and soldiers. They (the military) will dangle “benefits” in young people’s (especially young POC and black people’s) faces. Then, don’t provide the help that they need. If you’re a veteran or a soldier and life worked out for you, congratulations. It didn’t work out for the majority of other. The vast majority of homeless people are veterans. We’re in a pandemic and where do they sleep? Outside! They die do they check up on the families and their mental well-being? Hell no! The US could be two shits about the people who help this country from falling apart.


I know I probably struck a few nerves with this post, but I honestly don’t care. I’m leaving after getting my Bachelors degree and gonna start my life in Canada, so you can save the “Why don’t you leave” posts. If this pandemic didn’t show you the US’s true colors and the lack of shits they give, then I don’t know what will.

Why I am moving to Canada!
38 Opinion