The culture of exposure and revelation. And what it does to us. Be you male, female or other human.


WARNING: Yes, it is a lot to read. But you won't be disappointed. Maybe you'll even be happy that you read this and will appreciate the info.

(I hate that I have to add pictures to this. It's serious stuff not for entertainment now, but maybe it'll be okay, please bes strong to not disregard the said because visually the mytake looks like children book.)

What do you think is stronger in an average human his animalistic or his humanian part?

I tell you in an average man it is certainly the animalistic part and you will see what I mean soon enough. Of course each socialized and adequate individual be it male of female is in control of his animalistic nature more or less so that they don't submit to it completely and don't show more of it than socially acceptable.

But the thing is the animalistic part still affects our thinking and decision making very much. That is by far not the worst part. It affects the thinking of average humans on such deep level that to control this effect is literally impossible for average individual, nor it is possible to observe it happening in any currently avaliable or even potentially imaginable scientific way using today's science, except for psychological studies that in this case can be conducted to only reveal certain behavioral patterns in human beings. So the current science can only dig on the surface here because the respective branch of psychology and neuro-science just wasn't invented yet or if it was, it didn't come yet to any broad enough popularization.

What our animalistic part does, it reforms our thinking patterns, it reforms our values and our self-perception and world perception, and reforms mechanisms of decision making and that all happens completely behind the scenes. I'm not claiming that the animalistic part is the only thing that does have influence on these things in a human, of course not, but it does have influence enough to cause some very unpleasant effects which will be discussed further in the text.

The culture of exposure and revelation. And what it does to us. Be you male, female or other human.

And now in the today's time exactly this animalistic part of humans is increasingly stimulated. Floods of photos of naked women and men that are seen by children, youth, adults; sex avaliability and the culture of sex offer; porn; bloody and aggression stimulating films, videos, PC games etc.

Our ancestors accumulated knowledge for ages of human history and finally came up with clothing and non-revealing culture and etiquette, though they started like we are now, they started as animals when almost nothing covered their bodies - don't you see some similarity to where we are now? In the last decades we managed to throw everything over board, every single piece of their spirituality and wisdom (well, not all of us, but averagely still a WE).

The culture of exposure and revelation. And what it does to us. Be you male, female or other human.

And now we are, where we are. You ask me, why there is almost no love left in human relationships? Well if the first thing you demonstrate is your body, if it is THE FIRST thing, what do you think will be the reaction of an average human (be it male or female but primary men)? Bingo! It will be the natural biological reaction. And here is the thing. That we see exactly these everywhere and that this is regarded as something that justifies attraction or even choice of the partner this forces our mind into thinking and believing (without any awareness) that exactly this IS the thing we should be attracted to. That exactly this IS the valuable thing in your partner. Do you get it? We, with our culture transform ourseves into animals!

I don't want to relate this my take in any way to myself but I'm forced to, because I need a good real comparison of what it actually should be and what it is.

Until I was 19, so throughout my puberty, I wasn't allowed to interact with women in any way that could even suggest romantical interest of any kind. I was taught to have disguist against any sexual things. (no, it wasn't my paretns, it was some good will from some certain side, that wanted me to become a strong person). And througout that time I in some certain way learned to experience true love. I.e. true love was shown to me FIRST. And that allowed me some division of mind. Now when I see some photos of naked women I know exactly and feel exactly that what I experience isn't love and I just don't let it affect me or my mental patterns, there is a wall.

Well, you say to me of course that anyone knows, they aren't dumb. Yes, they know, BUT here comes into game this thing with animalistic part. My animalistic part is completely observed and controlled at all levels. This of an average person isn't by far. And unconsciously, unknowingly they develop an inner understanding and perception of love as animalistic love in the first place (not everyone, but many). Keep in mind, I myself can't blame the person for that, because it's just too much for an average human to handle when it comes from all directions beginning in the childhood and this person wasn't even taught mental control and spiritual awareness. You, if you are a women, might say, oh these males, they should have a better grasp of themselves! What animals! And I will answer, first these are not only men, you see women that jump from "relationship" to "relationship" too. You see women and men who see the only kind of love in sex or even are addicted to it. And so on.

The culture of exposure and revelation. And what it does to us. Be you male, female or other human.

I don't blame anyone, it'd be hilarious. I blame us all together for our culture, for our preferencies, for our weakness, for our stupidity to not see and not understand what inf fact is going on in the world, what is going on in our minds.

And now I come to the part that might seem biased and turned against women or their freedom. Please, I don't want to sound biased, but I have to describe what I see, I'm not against anyone and don't blame anyone but I have to say what seems obvious by now. I'm genuinely trying to be completely neutral even not to to be influenced a little bit by what me personally likes or dislikes, but what I see or think is what I see or think.

The thinking of the men is influenced by their animalistic part much more than thinking of the women. Furthermore the animalistic part of the men reacts on any stimulation with much more readiness than this of women. I speak here about average man and average woman. In other words the part of the modern culture that is called body revelation has much more effect on men or on women. When women show their not completely clothed bodies that directly sexual appeal to men often and in many places (e.g. online places), when pornography is shown to a man it reprogramms his thinking patterns like explained above much more than the other way around. I don't say, IN NO CASE it should be read like that, we should go back to complete modesty in clothes by women and forbid pornography. But... If we would do some things would change to better after some decades at least. I don't know what' a solution, one thing is clear a solution will only work if everyone understands the problem and makes their own contribution to solving it, male or female.

You see, the programmed men don't want love anymore. Neither they are able to experience it. And the number of such grows. Gradually women join in too. What we get we get a society unable to experience love and fixed on animalisitc urges in questions of love, family, kids. It's no joke. Look at the frequency of divorces, look at how many people complain that they are just used in any relationship. Look at men who claim they never can find a partner for real love, look at women who claim the same. And so on, these are few examples.

So one of the things that developes is the elimination of true love and ability to feel or know love.

The other thing is that women and men that humans become objectified. When you see with the eyes of your animalistic part (without knowing), then you don't percept humans as living beings with their own lives and wishes, you percept them as means, you percept them as you tools. You don't see anything immoral in it and nothing stops you from using them for your own pleasure, be it sexual or whatever else.

This is not only about exposure of bodies however, this is about culture of give and take, about culture of sell and buy and everything can be bought and can be sold, that nothing is priceless. But these two things are very-very strong interconnected. You might not see the connection, but look at it more closely: both things affect our mind, that means they have common ground of influence, both things come to strengthen each other due to their effects in our consciousness.

The culture of exposure and revelation. And what it does to us. Be you male, female or other human.

In other words what makes you an animal doesn't stop at your sex, it goes on and influences every part of your being and thinking in front of your closed eyes.

The indirect follow ups are increasing statistics of mobbing, of sociopath mentality.

And one more. And this is truly disturbing and this is the down from there to fall further is maybe literally impossible. We forget gradually the value of human life. If a human that isn't our relative, is is just an object for our subconscious that exists for our use, what is the value of their live? What does it matter to us that somewhere so many and so many humans have died? You might be not on this page yet, I hope you aren't, but believe me many humans are already.

I could go on and on describing the disturbances and their interconnections but I hope you got the main idea. The main intention was to open your eyes a bit, if they weren't open.

Although I only scratched the surface in this mytake I hope that you will understand after reading that we are facing a severe cultural and moral crisis, that we all together are transforming into animals and are inspired and lucky to do so.

The culture of exposure and revelation. And what it does to us. Be you male, female or other human.
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