I don’t belong anywhere in America

I don’t belong anywhere in America

Race is a serious problem here and people try to downplay it and act blind to it. And as a black girl, I can honestly say the discrimination goes both ways. Majority of people who are white where I live treat me like I’m beneath them. They stare at me whenever I enter a building or they make remarks like “Wow, they just let anyone in here.” I go shopping and employees follow me like I’m going to steal or something. I even graduated college and they still treat me like dirt. I have been spit on, called racial slurs and bullied my entire life for simply being black.

And you would think that maybe other black people who live in my area would try to provide a safe space for me, but no. Instead they outcast me! They constantly say I’m “not black” and that I “act white” simply because I speak differently than they do. They have made fun of my voice my entire life and have even laughed when I went to college. And they won’t even let me have my opinion on situations that happen to black Americans. They keep calling me white.

I don’t belong anywhere in America

I’m just sick of this country. I don’t care what anyone says, the issue of race is the biggest problem with America. And I know a problem like that isn’t going to magically disappear overnight, but I don’t belong anywhere. It hurts so much that I am literally crying as I’m typing this. I don’t belong here. I just want to be accepted for who I am.

I don’t belong anywhere in America
57 Opinion