Problems in Society: Is Religion The Cause?


Certain viewpoints suggest that religion is what causes most of society's problems.

From past times our society has been built up from beliefs. Many which are not from science. A highly recognized social construction of traditions and religion. It can be in the form of church or community events.

When you look at a place. You will see people of many backgrounds. To those that are devoutly Atheist, they seem to see it as a cause for trouble. Of course if you believe true religion comes from someones words. Acting like someones words are the absolute truth to it all.

For example, ISIS, people call them Muslim. Or KKK, people call them christian. But are they really? What makes a religious person? Why does some text define the actions of others? Just because someone interprets something some way another wouldn't, it does not make them a true believer.

People live differently. In many cases no one agrees on everything. Why treat religion any different, it's not a cause for our problems as a society. The way people react is a problem. Every person has the right to believe whatever, or do whatever. Opinions are allowed until it becomes hate, or until it prevents people from living peacefully.

Hate Crimes
Hate Crimes

Anyone can take something and treat it for the worst.

People will continuously bash another for their beliefs. Human Instinct? Probably.

Hate Crimes
Hate Crimes

Why do people blame religion for how society is? Why is it okay?

What happened to being accountable for your OWN actions?

Hate Crime = The reason society is the way it is.

Everyone is an individual. Treat it that way.

Problems in Society: Is Religion The Cause?
7 Opinion