Why Last of Us 2 is such an insult.


There's been a lot of nonsense about the Last of Us 2, and most of it is so ridiculous it shouldn't even be accepted as a valid argument.

The original game, if you don't know, was a post apocalyptic survival game made famous by the heart at the center of the plot--Joel and Ellie, a father grieving his lost daughter, and an orphan looking for a life. The game appealed to the most good and pure things inside of all of us--love for family. Joel, who went from being annoyed by the twerp to de facto adopting her and showing the deepest fatherly love a man could. Ellie, the lost girl who found a father who loved her unconditionally as a father should.

Why Last of Us 2 is such an insult.

Theeeennn the sequel hit for our dynamic duo, and it took the theme of "There are no heroes or villains, just people caught in a cycle of violence." It even made players largely play Abby, who killed Joel. Basically asking us to sympathize with Abby and explore her background, how she wasn't a villain, etc.

The meaningful, dramatic death scene for Joel? Sadistically beaten to death Neagan style by a character who makes Rhonda Rousey look extremely feminine.

Oh, you say, well maybe he did awful things. After all that's what the game then preaches to us, that violence is bad and there are no heroes, we all do awful things.

What was his sin?

In the first Last of Us, Joel and Ellie travel to a group called the Fireflies, who think Ellie, who is immune to the current mold plague, can help them make a vaccine. They eventually make it there, only to be knocked out by soldiers who think they are bad guys. Joel wakes up and find out the Fireflies also captured Ellie and are going to try to make a vaccine.

By putting her on life support and carving her brain up like sushi. THIS is what the game wants us to think makes Joel, really, a villain--literally going to rescue a kidnapped child who is going to have her brain carved up while alive by scientists who think they can make a cure from her. No, Ellie was not informed that her skull was going to be emptied. Literally kidnapping and first degree murder of a child.

AND WE'RE SUPPOSED TO FEEL LIKE JOEL IS A VILLAIN. This isn't good plot writing. This is taking a character, trying to turn him into a villain for a plot point, and act like the audience is idiots who will believe anything. That is why so many people are upset about Last of Us 2--the plot writers are disgusting and should have been reprimanded for even suggesting such a horrible, insulting plot.

Why Last of Us 2 is such an insult.
5 Opinion