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My rant about anti anti vaxxers


Please note whatever I say should not be taken offensively or used as genuine facts - im a 15 year old gal what do I know after all?

Scene: History class - baso every frickin day

My history teacher loves to relate what she teaches us to modern life and with COVID it's an overused reference as we are studying the history of health in Britain. Today she was talking about the small pox vaccine and good old ed jenner - who fyi created the first ever vaccine. She made a comment saying how she does not understand why people don't want to take it and that they are selfish not to due to herd immunity blah blah blah

That's so rude! Is she a medic? Doesn't she know I am entitled to my own opinion? Personally I think what she stated and has stated many times before is absurd as she hasn't anything to back up her point. People are ant-vaccine for reasons whether it be health problems or just fear ig.

First of all - people who do not get the COVID vaccine are not ARE NOT all anti vaccine - I've had my HPV/MMR/Meningitis and all that jing bang but I refuse this one in particular due to the lack of research and knowledge of future effects. No one can say what it will do to you 50 years down the line. Some may argue EXACTLY WE DON'T KNOW - but I say EXACTLY - good for you if there is no effect but the fact that no one knows is enough reason for taking it and not taking it.

Secondly, no one can say it is effective (at least i dont think they can) - people who've taken it have had COVID, was it milder? yes maybe but also no. Does it reduce transmission? Idfk I'm not an expert, you tell me? no one truly knows anything.

Therefore my friends, I have a right to do whatever tf I want in this case - it's my body - if we reach herd immunity with these vaccines - great - but you can do it without me :)

So Miss you can just cry about it

me whilst yall are reading this
me whilst y'all are reading this
My rant about anti anti vaxxers
25 Opinion