The new age of bigotry.


60ish years ago it was completely legal to have “White Only” signs telling you that an area was designated for “White people Only”.

The new age of bigotry.

This was a very ignorant and bigoted time and should never have happened.

Believing that the rights of one group of people was bad or below another is a disgusting and ignorant mindset.

To openly and legally be allowed to discriminate against and hate a group, based solely on biological differences, is wrong and should never happen in a civilized society.

The new age of bigotry.

A logical person would assume that, as a much more understanding and educated society which we are today, would never have such an openly bigoted view be accepted in society… right?

sadly no

These bigoted views are still openly and legally displayed in many placed, but it is no longer a skin color being openly bigoted against.

It is the biological sex of the person.

The new age of bigotry.

Women Only gyms, housing, funding, schools, clubs, groups, businesses, public transit, and even parking have replaced the bigoted race related signs of the past.

The new age of bigotry.

These blatantly bigoted sexist are openly and legally allowed to discriminate and segregate a group of people based in their biological traits.

The can refuse service, entry, and rights to a person the same way people were denied these items in the past.

The new age of bigotry.

And yes, although society doesn’t allow them to publicly hang people like before, they are still met with violence and hate.

The mindset of lynching and murderous bigots of the past is still there and these bigots would lynch and murder if they could.

The new age of bigotry.
The new age of bigotry.

… they also have a biased court system, police system, and media which will protect them and allow them to openly destroy a mans life with no repercussions.

The new age of bigotry.

When will we have a new revolution?

The new age of bigotry.
9 Opinion