RE: "Why are college educated people so stupid?" (And why are most young people usually Liberals?)


My response to this post, which was too long to be a single comment.

Why are [modern] "educated" people so stupid?
And why are most young people usually Liberals?

Because "education" (especially woke indoctrinated "education") is not actual intelligence (adaptability, reasoning, planning, critical thinking, and problem solving), nor life experience (stuff you learn as you get older from the world around you), nor wisdom (good decision-making, planning, morals, ethics, and judgment).

At best, "higher education" is stuff that in 2022, you can now learn from the internet or Audible books, and is only necessary if you want to get a job easier (I say this as someone who only got their English Masters in 2019).

Universities in 2022, outside of STEM, law, or medical, are basically useless wastes of money.
Universities in 2022, outside of STEM, law, or medical, are basically useless wastes of money.

However... Intelligence is rare among this species, in general. Most human beings, sadly, are NOT intelligent, nor do they have any desire to be. When you fail to learn from past mistakes, deny reality, and keep getting tricked, scammed, or bamboozled, over and over again, you simply are not an intelligent person who can adapt, make reasonable decisions to change your mindset, plan differently, critically think, or stop falling for the same problems.

And I'd say politics reveals people's stupidity more than anything else, even religion or bringing up "abortion" in 2022. I could drone on all day about it (and I WILL here in this MyTake!), but the simple version, for American politics are this:

Both sides suck, both sides are on the same team (the Elites and 1%), both sides will f*ck you over, and neither side cares about you. But, one side is usually slightly less worse than the other, in 12 to 15 year cycles or so.

Most of the US are politically purple. But you cant have a cult when you agree with both sides.
Most of the US are "politically purple." But you can't have a cult when you agree with both sides.

And yes, I do remember how AWFUL 2000's Republicans were. 9/11 gave George W. Bush and Dick Cheney unprecedented power. So much, the conspiracy theorists saying 9/11 was an inside job, don't sound THAT crazy (even if they're still wrong). And Obama's first term wasn't that bad. He became trash by 2012 and arguably, REALLY started drone-striking little Afghani children by 2015.

Hmmm... Twelve year cycles. When did "wokeness" begin again? With Occupy Wall Street in 2011, right? And where did it begin? In Academia. Same with Black Lives Matter. That started in 2013, after the Treyvon Martin killing by George Zimmerman. And ANTIFA? 2014-2015. They ALL started in Academia, in fact. Coincidence? I doubt it. (I actually KNOW it, but just trying to sound cute.)

Remember Trigglypuff from 2015? If not, consider yourself lucky, but THIS was the typical college Progressive, at the time.
Remember Trigglypuff from 2015? If not, consider yourself lucky, but THIS was the typical college Progressive, at the time.

Woke Culture has, more or less, been a thing since 2015-2016, if you want to count ANTIFA campus riots, or 2012-2013, if you want to count the fall of Occupy Wall Street being mutated and co-opted into Woke Culture by Soros and company. Hell, Fourth Wave, Bell Hooks, Intersectional, Tumblr Feminism wasn't even a thing until 2012. And it was all incubated in academia.

12 to 15 years. Like I said. And it seems like the magnetic poles of the planet shifted or something because by 2016, the Republicans, the former Bible-belter assholes trying to force religion onto you, were now suddenly the "good guys" who cared about Free Speech and The Constitution, and the Democrats, the former "stick up for the little guy" hippies, were now siding with corporations to kill off free speech and instill fascism under the guise of "equality, diversity, and inclusion." And this brings us to 2016 and Trump.

Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016 for SEVERAL reasons, and anyone who isn't an idiot, will be able to admit these reasons as such, and not blame it on "racism" or some sh*t. But one of the major reasons he won, is because he, or likely one of his staff members, noticed the shift of this Political Pendulum in regards to institutional power. Meaning, wokeness was starting to take over society and people were getting fed up with it even by then.

The Liberal left was coming into power, and so, the everyday people as usual, would side against the ones in power. Meaning, a Republican was going to win the election in 2016. And Trump vowed to be that Republican, riding the wave of anti-wokeism and being "that guy who said what you're all thinking." Trump used pro-free speech, tough political stances like The Wall, and meme culture, to win the 2016 US Presidential election. Cause he seen the writing on the wall.

Donald Trumps political leanings, his entire career. (Credit: Emplemon)
Donald Trump's political leanings, his entire career. (Credit: Emplemon)

That's why Trump went HARD Republican in 2015, abandoning all his Democratic ties, even going to far as to question Obama's birth certificate, as a means of essentially, jumping on the conservative bandwagon early. And as history shows, it paid off for him. 2016, in fact, is when Conservatives started being the more popular, underdog party in America. (Not that being Left or Right matters to the 1%, like I said. Trump is neither Liberal nor Conservative, and neither is anyone else who is super-rich. Those lifestyle rules don't apply to them.)

But understand this: Popularity doesn't mean control, and control doesn't mean popularity. In fact, it's usually the opposite. The last reign of the Republicans/Conservatives in America, was 2001 to about 2015. And Barack Obama was the president in charge for most of that timeline, not Dubya. Right now, we're in the Democrat/Liberal controlled "Age of Wokeness" and this has been going on when Donald Trump was president and even before he was. From 2015 to the (as of the time of this writing) present.

IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO THE PRESIDENT OR WORLD LEADERS ARE. What matters, is what the majority of the West, especially America, considers to be the greater good. Or, since this is politics, the lesser evil out of the two.

In 2008, it was McCain and Obama. In 2016, it was Trump and Hillary. In 2020, it was Trump and Biden.
In 2008, it was McCain and Obama. In 2016, it was Trump and Hillary. In 2020, it was Trump and Biden.

It really IS Clown World to me, as a former Liberal, turned almost-Conservative, before realizing I hate cults of any name or persuasion. I'm a free-thinker. NOBODY likes free-thinkers in 2022. You're "SUPPOSED" to be in a cult! Either Woke or Anti-Woke. Democrat or Republican. "Libtard" or "Trump Supporter." Labour or Conservative. Doesn't matter. What matters is, what 51% of more of the public is thinking. Cause that's what wins future elections (aside from cheating, that is, but that's a story for another day), after those in power come to the end of their cycle.

Usually, once a popular president gets elected, the "rebellious nature" of the people is calmed down, and the tides start to turn again, if the cycle is near or at its end. If anything, the elected president is usually a harbinger for what's about to come in the future. Such as the highly popular Obama reigning during the end of the 2000's post-9/11 Conservative era, and likely a Republican president in 2024, at the end of the Woke era, by then.

Of course, Winston Churchill (or someone falsely attributed as Churchill) once said,
"If you're young and not a Liberal, you have no Heart. If you're old and not a Conservative, you have no brain." And I believe he's got it all figured out!

Winston Churchill, or someone falsely credited as Churchill, said this.
Winston Churchill, or someone falsely credited as Churchill, said this.

It's easy to lure young people with the promise of free sh*t, no student loans, and a society of Communism where you don't have to work for a living and basically get to be manchildren and womanchildren playing Call of Duty and Fortnite 8 hours a day while living with mom and dad in your thirties.

It's also easy to stay in power and keep your idiot, meth-head loser of a son out of trouble when you sabotage the American education and healthcare system to keep everyone else even dumber and sicker than your idiot, meth-head loser of a son. This is what the Democrats figured out DECADES ago! Hell, maybe as far back as the 60s!

This is from Horrible Bosses from 2010, but I consider it prophetic of Joe and Hunter Biden.
This is from Horrible Bosses from 2010, but I consider it prophetic of Joe and Hunter Biden.

While the Republicans/Conservatives (the lower level ones not part of the 1%, I mean) tend to usually be the older people who control more of the money, they're usually, you know... OLD. And will die out soon. It's the Democrats/Liberals (the lower level ones not part of the 1%), who figured out how to play the Long Con. How to brainwash and indoctrinate the YOUNG 'UNS, to STAY Democrat, even after they should've aged out of it!

And this started, in academia. In the 2000s and 2010s. The "retention" program. The brainwashing and indoctrination to keep lifelong Liberals and hold onto that 51+% of the population, for as long as they can. You can argue they stole this from the KGB's Active Measures, and are implementing the Demoralization phase, in order to brainwash an entire generation in ten to twenty years. But that is another story for another day.

Regardless, it was MY generation they did this to! Millennials! THIS is why, Millennials, are among the worst generation of all time, if NOT the worst! They brainwashed them, starting in academia. To retain power for longer than that 12-15 year cycle the Political Pendulum swings in.

Only time will tell if they'll be successful or not (by 2022, it looks like they're losing badly, though.) But this was their plan. To KEEP the young people as bleeding-heart liberals and snowflakes, well into their 30s and 40s, when it's thought they'd control society and have the wealth and societal power. To keep a generation of "adults" as intellectually weak soyboys and man/woman-children. And to have a generation of Adam Sesslers turning damn near 50 and still behaving like THIS.

This manchild, game journalist is 49 years old and still acts like this in his sad pathetic daily life.
This manchild, game journalist is 49 years old and still acts like this in his sad pathetic daily life.

If you don't feel like reading all of this above; here's the TEAL DEER:

1. Usually, American/Western Politics has 12 to 15 year cycles of one political party "taking their turn" in power, over the other party, in pop culture and society. The Conservatives/Republicans had their run from 9/11/2001, to about 2015.

2. But since 2015, the far-left Woke Culture, has been what's pushed in society. And certain Democrats and Liberals have been using academia since the late 2000s and throughout the 2010s, to try to retain allegiance of their obedient youth, well into their 30s and 40s, to extend control of the Political Pendulum, beyond its natural lifespan.

3. This also helps in keeping the population mentally stunted, immature, weak, obedient, childish, and wage slaves to big corporations and the most slimy of politicians , like California's Gavin Newsome, for example.

This brings us to 2022 and 2023.

This is why college-educated Millennials, are so stupid and lack any critical thinking or independent-thinking skills. And the plan to brainwash those Millennials, was largely successful. However... As Dr. Ian Malcom says, "Life, uh, finds a way."

Life, even in modern Western politics, uh, finds a way.
Life, even in modern Western politics, uh, finds a way.

In society, you can only brainwash and control for so long, before rebellion sets in. And rebellion leads to revolution. And revolution leads to tyrants falling... At least, for now.

It's too early to find out what will happen by November 2024 in America. But regardless of who's president, most people who aren't Millennials, have had enough of Woke Culture and Liberal fascism masquerading as "diversity and inclusion." Especially since COVID broke the bank of many large corporations, even Disney, and they no longer have the funds to sacrifice on ESG "woke points." No one likes this sh*t, and the market has shown time and time again that "getting woke" means "going broke." Even if you get some short-term ESG money from Blackrock today, it won't keep your company in business tomorrow.

NO ONE likes this academia-created propaganda of "white people are evil," fourth wave feminism, Critical Race Theory, and heterophobia. Even the Zoomers, who were supposed to follow in the Footsteps of their big brother and sister Millennials, have largely had enough. No. Many Zoomers find Millennials and woke culture to be lame and pathetic. Even many of the gay and trans Zoomers.

The Democrats/Liberals' plan to permanently dumb down college students to have lifelong constituents, may have worked for Millennials. But that's before Biden and his masters, have started undoing all their work. Now, even some 30-something Millennials are starting to grow up, and realize that "being Liberal ain't cool no more." Not when your "spokesman's" greatest enemy are stairs and his own bowel movements. About 5 to 7 years late, but better late than never.

When the King of the Democrats is thwarted by stairs and cant even remember what day of the week it is...
When the King of the Democrats is thwarted by stairs and can't even remember what day of the week it is...

But this is why college students have been fed propaganda and brainwashing for the past 15-20 years now (even more so than they used to; it used to just be contained among the crazies in universities and not seep out into the real world). To keep society as a bunch of morons and have them pledge allegiance to old white people in power in Washington and old evil people in power in the corporate sector.

Here's the real TL;DR. Simply put:


Of course, like I said, at the very top, there are no "Liberals" or "Conservatives," and the super-rich "Democrats" are no less or more evil or different than the super-rich "Republicans." But I'm sure, this plan could only work with the young, forward-thinking "liberals" in college. So that's the side they chose to prop up.

2023 will mark the start of the eighth year the Progressive left have held onto power. These political cycles are supposed to last for at least 12 years or so. But maybe, just maybe, Progressivism is so toxic and hateful and disgusting, they may have ended their reign a bit early and triggered another 12-15 year cycle of Republicans now being the awful ones in power. And not just wildcard political anomalies like Trump, but actual institutional power. Corporate Republicans and Republicans in the mainstream media and social media tech giants.

If Joe Bidens Approval Ratings are anything to go by, the Democratic Left are starting to lose even the Youth Vote...
If Joe Biden's Approval Ratings are anything to go by, the Democratic Left are starting to lose even the Youth Vote...

Who knows what'll happen? All I do know is, even normies are sick of the woke sh*t and the left seems to be losing even faster than normal thanks to Joe Biden's masters and Biden himself. And Zoomers... Zoomers don't even want to be Liberal anymore. They say it's too PC and full of too much censorship. They may not like candidates like Donald Trump, but overall, seem to dislike the entire Democratic party even more so than Trump.

When you've got the youth of the Western world acting as if they "have no heart," you might just have lost this round. Then again, I did say most of America is truly "purple" and that cults and groupthink is bad.

More and more young Conservatives are gaining popularity on YT, like John Doyle, Steven Crowder, Brett Cooper, and Lauren Chen.
More and more young Conservatives are gaining popularity on YT, like John Doyle, Steven Crowder, Brett Cooper, and Lauren Chen.

All of this comes to you from a non-Conservative and non-Liberal, by the way.

But don't worry, evil Democratic overlords. You can just try again to brainwash the Alpha Generation in universities in 2036-2039.

RE: "Why are college educated people so stupid?" (And why are most young people usually Liberals?)
10 Opinion