Why I went missing in action (MIA) from girlsaskguys for a few months and what has changed

Why I went missing in action (MIA) from girlsaskguys for a few months and what has changed

For those who use this website a lot and are familiar with my posts, you may be wondering why I haven't been active on this site for a while. And the answer is that I just haven't had time to be on this website because as I am getting older and moving on with life, I have a lot of things to do. However, the main reason is that I was struck with a severe case of OCD and anxiety. At one point it got so bad that I was bed ridden for a couple weeks, I was just not in the mood to do almost anything. For me it came in the form of constant worrying about things that make no sense at all. The official term is "catastrophizing thoughts". When you have an anxiety disorder, there are times when your mind puts you in survival mode. Your mind tricks you into thinking that something really bad is headed your way but in reality this danger is non existent. There is a part of your brain that has a difficult time telling the difference between "what if and what actually is". Deep down I know that I'm literally worrying about nothing but there is a part of my brain that says "yeah but what if or you didn't consider this factor."

Fortunately my OCD rarely gets this bad. I have a noticed a pattern and this type of excessive irrational worrying only happens when I'm about to enter a new phase in my life. I have experienced it three times before. And the worries have nothing to do with the new phase.

  • The first time was right after I graduated from high school in 2015. My mind just kept creating these bizarre worries that made absolute no sense at all and I would avoid doing certain things and engage various forms of compulsions in an effort to prevent this non existent bad thing from happening. This went on for almost a year before I managed to completely overcome it with the use of various mental health supplements. I am not going to tell you what this worry was cause it was so bizarre.
  • The second time was about 3 years ago right around the time I got my Associates degree and was about transfer to a university to get my bachelors degree. This time the worry which also made no sense at all was digital. As I found myself constantly emailing various websites to make sure no accounts were opened with my information. Of course they would always reassure me that there are no accounts opened under my name but my mind would keep going "What if, what if, what if!!!" It took me a couple months to overcome this pattern of compulsions
  • The third time was most recently, A new pattern of worries started to torment my mind about a month ago. I'm about to complete my final course for a Bachelor's degree in a week. So now my mind has once again decided to create a bunch of irrational worries. Now I am constantly worrying about identity theft. I am constantly checking credit karma and experian for anything suspicious and I even went as far as to create a "my social security" account just so I can monitor my SS number. While I seem to have mostly overcome this worry, there is still some residue that I have to work on before I can completely overcome this worry.

Even though it got really bad about a month ago, it actually all started back in July when I started to receive spam calls from a debt collection agency. Now I know for a fact that I don't owe debts, so I ignored the calls for about 2 months. But in late September I had enough of their spam calls and I decided to call the nearest office of this debt collection agency to resolve this issue. And so I called them and much to my relief, it turns out they were calling the wrong person all along. They weren't trying to contact me but rather they were trying to contact the previous owner of my phone number. So they apologized and took my phone number off their list. And thankfully they stopped calling afterwards. I felt relief for a while. But being an OCD sufferer my mind decided to create a bunch of what ifs soon afterwards. And that's where my hyper vigilance for identity theft came to be. I started to take a bunch of precautions, so many precautions that some would call it paranoia.

Even though I no longer get those debt collector calls, I still get a lot of spam risk/scam likely and out of area calls. I have started to reverse search each one of these numbers and even though the results come up as telemarketers, scammers or no results, my mind is again constantly saying "what if, what if, what if!!!" I have realized that in order to stop this constant worrying, i have to resist the urge to reverse search these numbers and simply ignore these telemarketers and scammers. I have already gotten enough reassurance that my identity is safe and the more I play "whack a mole" with OCD, the more the excessive irrational worrying bothers me. By realizing this, I have managed to overcome most of this excessive irrational worrying in only a couple weeks and while I am still dealing some worrying, I think I should be able to overcome it all by Christmas and that shall be my Christmas gift.

Have my views changed?

Well I am still me, my political views are still mostly unchanged. I still hold an amalgamation of Libertarian, constitutionalist and independent political views but as I had a lot of time to think about society as a whole, I've come to realize that the America of today has become the Babylon of the book of revelations. A lot of evil festers in in the seats of power. Our courts, our law enforcement and our politicians have shown their true colors. Yes there are those few who are good in these professions but sadly they don't have enough influence to actually make a difference. But let's face the facts, they are not entirely to blame. They only do the evil that they do because the masses let them and even support their evil deeds. While the "commiecrats" are trying to take away our guns and censor free speech, the "republicowards" are too busy bootlicking the authorities with their "blue line" bullsh*t and assuming everything is perfect as is. I've already said before that I don't consider myself to be either democrat or republican. While there are a few good influential figures in both parties, they aren't enough for me to support either party. I still view both parties as being full of incompetence, liars and tyrants who are only being held back by our constitution.

Law enforcement: Let's address the elephant in the room and that's the fact that a lot of law enforcement officers are either incompetent, corrupt or both. The problem is that many police officers don't know the entire law, many times police will try to enforce non existent laws only because that specific officer assumes or believes that law exists. Fo example, folding Karambit knives are legal in California but an incompetent law enforcement officer who doesn't know the law will incorrectly assume they are illegal simply because it's a "scary looking" knife. Folding Karambits are completely legal to own and carry around, the only restriction is that they must be openly worn when carried in public, not concealed. You see this applies to many other laws as well, every law enforcement officer should be required to know every law in the state like his or her palm.

Another issue is the lack of proper communication skills from law enforcement officers. Any kind of use of force should only be last resort. Let's face it though, many of these cases of police brutality or use of excessive force was the result of poor communication skills from the participating law enforcement officers. law enforcement agencies need to require police officers to undergo some type of communication skills training before they are sworn in. Furthermore they need to stop hiring law enforcement officers that have more brawn than brains. There are many people out there who become police officers because they want to get in alterations and be able to use their badges to get away with it. These types of law enforcement officers don't care about their community, they just want to hurt somebody because they've got a lot of issues.

Lastly this country has a guilty until proven innocent mentality. The whole idea of innocent until proven guilty is complete Bullsh*t. By the time the law enforcement officer reads you the miranda rights, you are already guilty. This is why we have so many innocent people behind bars because by the time you are in police custody every member of the law, including the judge and jury will be skeptical of anything you say. It's disgusting and it's one of the many reasons why this country is on it's decline. And whats even worse is that whenever an innocent person is sent to prison, we have sickos who say "too bad."

Law enforcement is supposed to protect and serve the community, its within their motto "to protect and serve". But unfortunately many do the opposite which is "To oppress and neglect". They swore to protect us but clearly they can't protect us from themselves. It is time for law enforcement to get their acts together and start showing competence and most importantly start living up to their motto of protecting and serving the community.

Why I went missing in action (MIA) from girlsaskguys for a few months and what has changed

Mental health: We hear a lot of stuff in regards to mental health in the media but it's all talk no walk. People with mental health issues still struggle to get the help they need cause they are still vilified by society. This leads to people with mental health issues to suffer in silence. Either people will make fun of them or try to institutionalize them against their will. I could make the argument that out of every demographic, the mentally ill are the only demographic who are being persecuted at the moment. What happens when a demographic gets persecuted? The demographic gets mocked, shunned, scapegoated, has to hide out of safety, is subjected to right infringement and has violence perpetuated against them. The mentally ill experience all of the above. Furthermore many cases of police brutality involve a mentally ill victim because may times the police are not properly trained to deal with mentally ill people. Fortunately the police department of my city is perhaps the most competent police department in the whole county as they have incorporated training on how to peacefully interact with the mentally ill. But unfortunately most other law enforcement departments simply don't care and view the mentally ill as subhuman. Especially corrections officers.

Courts: I am very critical of our court system. You walk into a court and you forfeit many rights when you are in there, specifically your free speech rights. It's disgusting how we as citizens are expected to treat judges like royalty. judges have way too much power and not enough is being done to ensure that innocent people aren't being wrongly sentenced. Don't even get me started on dishonest or biased jurors. Let's face it, many of us hate jury duty. It's a waste of time that puts a dent in our personal schedules, since we have to be on call for a whole week. Not to mention that many jurors who get picked have biases or are just outright disgusting individuals who don't give a damn about the truth and just want to screw somebody over.

Prisons: If things keep going the way they are going then one day America will be a country than has more prisons than homes just like how the fictional Burgundy has more concentration camps than homes but the only difference is that it won't be happening in Europe, it will be happening here in America. I don't know about the rest of you but I certainly don't want this dystopian state to become a reality. It's not just the number or prisons we have here in the US, it's also the way they are run. We like to think of America as the most advanced nation on Earth but when it comes to our prison systems, we are lagging behind other first world countries. Germany, Switzerland, Finland and Norway are all way ahead of America when it comes to their prison systems. While American prison systems are simply designed to punish, these European prisons are designed to rehabilitate and statistically they are proven to be more effective than American prison systems. I always laugh when we refer to American prison guards as "correctional officers" because most of them don't act like correctional officers and instead act like a bunch of concentration camp guards. They don't deserve the title of "correctional officer" until they actually start acting like correctional officers. They treat the inmates like animals and they expect them to change but they never thought about treating them like humans. American prisons treat prisoners like animals, while those European countries treat their prisoners like humans. By adopting a similar prison system to those European prison systems, we can actually make life easier for those innocent people that were wrongly imprisoned. With that being said F*ck the US prison system.

Self defense: The right of Self Defense should be an inalienable right but we have people on both sides who are adamant in restricting our right to act in self defense. I am a firm supporter of self defense rights like the castle doctrine and stand your ground and it irritates me every time somebody tries to infringe on these rights. Criminals feel emboldened to commit crimes when they know the law has restricted the average citizen's right to act in self defense because they know that the law will support the criminal if the citizen acts in self defense. California or should I call it Commiefornia is a state where even though the residents have castle doctrine on paper, people still get arrested even though they were only acting in self defense. This connects to my criticism of our law enforcement who are incompetent as they can't tell the difference between self defense and vigilantism. They are not synonymous with each other.

Debt collector virus: words can't describe the amount of hatred that I have for debt collectors, I consider them to be a scum of the Earth virus. The whole profession of debt collection is a shady profession, it's pretty much legalized extortion when you come to think of it. Debt collectors use all kinds of shady tactics to try to collect debts from the most vulnerable people. Furthermore it becomes a problem when debt collectors contact the wrong person that doesn't owe anything. Let's go over some of the shady practices debt collectors use in order to bypass all the laws and restrictions.

  • Spoofed Voip calls: Debt collectors are notorious for spoofing their numbers, which means spam calling from various phone numbers, usually local or toll free. This is a issue because phone carriers may occasionally list them as "spam risk" or "scam likely calls" because phone number spoofing is shady since it's mostly used by scammers to not be traced. However, most of the times the caller ID will properly identify the debt collection business even with the spoofed number. This is not the responsibility of the consumer, this is the responsibility of the debt collector. If the debt collector doesn't want their phone numbers to show up as spam risk then they are the ones who must verify their numbers, not the consumer. The only reason debt collectors are allowed to spoof their numbers is to bypass blocks.
  • Phantom debt collection: This is a very shady practice that debt collectors engage in. Either they are trying to collect a fake debt, which is blatantly illegal or they are trying to collect an old debt that is way past the statute of limitation which prevents them from suing the consumer.
  • sewer service: One of the most disgusting things a debt collector can do is serve you a lawsuit summons with the intention of it not reaching you. They are hoping that you don't show up to the court date in order to get a default judgement against you. Many times a debt collector will back off the moment the consumer shows up to court because many times the P.O.S debt collector doesn't have any valid arguments in court. Sewer service is illegal but debt collector still use this tactic.
  • Bench warrant: You can no longer be arrested for owing debt but you can still be arrested in some states if you miss/no show a debtor's examination. This is nothing more than a loophole employed by scumbag debt collectors. A debtor examination can only occur if you lose a lawsuit against the debt collector or if you no showed a debt collector lawsuit. It's a loophole because the bench warrant isn't issued because you owe debt, it's issued because of some "contempt for court" BS. Fortunately not every state allows courts to issue bench warrants for missing a debtor's examination. Nevada and New Mexico are two states that don't let courts issue this type of bench warrant.
  • Liens and levy: A very scummy thing debt collectors may try to is confiscate some of your personal or private property in order to make up for the debt, this can only happen if they get a judgement against you but you still have rights and can prevent them from taking your property. There are also certain types of personal property they can't take, like tools, clothes, food etc. Nonetheless this is a very disgusting practice that needs to be abolished. Shame on every sheriff and US marshal that actually enforces this, you goons are part of the problem as well.
  • Trying to collect from identity theft victims: One of the many signs of identity theft is calls from debt collectors. If a fraudster opened a fraudulent bank account with your info, then a debt collector will try to collect from you because debt collectors don't investigate the debts they are trying to collect. They automatically assume that you owe it. And consumers have to contact the FTC, local police and other agencies in order for the debt collector to realize that you are a victim of identity theft.

My solution to this debt collector virus is quite simple. Make it illegal for debt collectors to spoof their calls, make them only call from their main number. Ban any debt collection business that tries to collect a fake debt. Abolish bench warrants for missing debtor's examinations in all states. Abolish liens and levy's in all states. With this, we can bring about the downfall of very unethical debt collection business in the country. Which is probably almost all of them. At the end of the day, debt collectors are only allowed to do their shady businesses because we allow them to. If we the people stood up to them, they would cease all their shady practices. There are more of us than there are of them.

(AI) US army rangers after successfully raiding and demolishing a Debt collection office
(AI) US army rangers after successfully raiding and demolishing a Debt collection office
(AI) Aftermath of US Air Force demolishing a debt collection office
(AI) Aftermath of US Air Force demolishing a debt collection office

Identity theft: This country has a very crappy way of handling identity theft. Many identity theft victims can go years without knowing that he or she is a victim of identity theft and by the time he or she realizes it, so much damage has been done already. If a person wants to know if his or her identity is safe then he or she will have to go to great lengths. Simply accessing your credit report could show whether or not you are an identity theft victim but not everything shows up on credit reports since creditors and debt collectors aren't required by law to report to credit bureaus(Even though they should be required to report to credit bureaus.) And our government still has the audacity to punish identity theft victims when the identity theft victim gets sued by a scumbag debt collector or when a identity thief commits a crime disguised with the victim's identity, which can lead to many legal issues for the identity theft victim. And yet nothing is being done to protect identity theft victims because our government and law enforcement don't give a damn.

America is Babylon the great: Unfortunately America is definitely on its decline. We use to be a nation under GOD but now we need him to unleash his wrath upon all the corrupt and evil in this country.

(AI) The second coming of Christ
(AI) The second coming of Christ
Why I went missing in action (MIA) from girlsaskguys for a few months and what has changed
Post Opinion