A Message to Animal Lovers


A Message to Animal Lovers

Dear Animal Lovers,

I wanted to write to you all to let you know that just because I say that I'm not an animal person, doesn't mean that I'm cruel and heartless! Just because I cross the street when I see you walking your dogs and I decline the offer to pet them, doesn't mean that I secretly want to harm them. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe there was a deeper issue? Like maybe I'm allergic (I'm not, but I know many people who are). Or maybe I'm just extremely afraid, because I am.

Ever since I can remember I've been extremely afraid of dogs. Cats too, but the dog fear is worse. I can't remember if anything happened to trigger it, but I've just never been a fan. I used to have nightmares about being bitten by dogs a lot. When I was about 7 or 8, my mom got bit by a dog when she trying to protect me because she knew that I was afraid. It wasn't a huge dog either. It was smaller dog, but it still bit her hard enough to hurt her. That only intensified the fear. I felt like if a dog that small could hurt her, imagine what bigger dogs could do to me?

I carried that fear into my adulthood. To this day, I'm still very afraid of dogs. Cats I can at least be in the same room with, but once they start to do that thing where they run around all crazy like, I freak out. And with dogs it's so bad that if I know you have a dog, I won't go to your house. I freeze up around them. And God help me if they actually come near me. Like it's really bad.

Today I went for a walk and I ran into a lady walking her dog. She lives in my neighborhood and I've seen her and her dog quite a few times. I always cross the street when I anyone with a dog, her included. Today was no different, except she got offended. When she saw me going to cross she waved to get my attention (I had headphones on), and she goes "why do you always cross when you see us?" So I told her what I tell everyone, I'm not an animal person. She made a disgusted face and said "what kind of person doesn't like dogs?" And she walked away. And that's the reaction that I usually get from people. They act all disgusted. So that's why I'm writing this. To hopefully give people a little insight. I don't hate animals. I would never hurt an animal. I cry on those abused animal commercials lol. I just so happen to have a fear of some of them. And that's okay. It doesn't make me a bad person. So maybe think of that next time. 😊


Char 💋

P.S. - 101 Dalmatians is even my 2nd favorite Disney movie! 😜

A Message to Animal Lovers
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