Am I lame...21st birthday?

Soo today was my 21st birthday. For weeks people have been asking me what I'm doing and trying to make plans with me and I've just said... I wanna have cake and wine somewhere really quiet with my family and thats ALL.

So I went to this little bar/restaurant that I love because it's really quiet and mellow. Plus they sell wine from a family friend's vineyard so I got a glass of that and a piece of cake and just chilled out and talked to my family.

Well my parents left to have a cigarette and the bartender kinda started giving me a hard time xD he said that I need to go out and party and get wasted, even if I'm not a party girl, cuz I only turn 21 once.. and all this stuff... and it got me feeling kinda bad.

On top of that my friends texted me later asking why I didn't hang with them tonight and I'm like... I went out, I bought a legal drink.. I just wanna watch House of Cards and chill now :/

Am I lame for this? Everyone's making me feel like I'm gonna regret not acting stupid. I just don't feel obligated to get drunk and party just because I turned 21. But will I regret not making a bigger memory out of tonight :(?
Am I lame...21st birthday?
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