Was Ho chi Minh a villain or a hero?

Ho chi Minh was leader of north Vietnam during the French colonisation of Vietnam and the American Vietnam war. He was actually able to kick out the French and the Americans from his country. I always thought Minh was a wicked communist. But today actually in hisotry class (we study from French government books) there was a small text about Minh talking about how vietnamese women were treated like animals by the French and they got raped by them and that he was fighting for justice. My teacher, he's actually French, (not my french teacher that I always talk about this is a Male one and he's from France) before we read the text he said:"this isn't a joke, this could have happened to your grandmother (cuz Egypt was a British colony) and we went on ready, he then said:"well... Minh hated the French for what a few did, so he hated the whole country just for what a few did"

I just can't stand communism, but I still can't determine of Ho chi Minh is really "a son of b****" like how he's described in Vietnam war movies or a freedom fighter.
Was Ho chi Minh a villain or a hero?
A villain
A hero
I don't know
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Was Ho chi Minh a villain or a hero?
18 Opinion