Why is it racist to have a physical preference?

In regards to this ridiculous post Is there a lot of racist people in here?

I don't understand, if a black man says he finds white women unattractive, I'm not gonna go crying about it or call him a racist. The word racism is being used wrongly too many times nowadays. Telling someone they are lesser than other people bc of their skin or race is racism, but telling someone you don't find them attractive bc of it isn't.
Why is that so hard to understand? A preference is a preference.

And for those of you who say it happens more often with black people, that still doesn't make it racism if we're still talking about people who honestly just aren't attracted to them.

I find black women 10x more attractive than white women, and white men 10x more attractive than black men. I also find eastern Asian men 10x more attractive than most European men. Am I a racist?

Racist definition: prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
Prejudice definition: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
Why is it racist to have a physical preference?
Let's play a game called spot the difference.

Let's say John doesn't want to date red heads bc "they're known to have a temper", that's a stupid reason and not true for all red heads. Let's say John doesn't want to date red heads bc he finds red hair unattractive. Which one is wrong and which one is harmless?

Here's another in case that didn't work

Jane doesn't want to date black men because she thinks they're all thugs.
Jane doesn't want to date black men bc she isn't attracted to their features.
Which is harmless and which is wrong?
Why is it racist to have a physical preference?
I'd like to side note that after a discussion with a friend on here, I do see how someone would be upset if someone said a black woman looks like a man. I know very well how a lot of black women are viewed by some people. But most black women I see are beautiful in my opinion.
After reading this, I still think it's racist
This has opened my eyes and now I understand why it isn't racist
I've always known that having physical preferences isn't racist
Other, please do tell
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Why is it racist to have a physical preference?
33 Opinion