If someone is mentally ill is this an excuse for them to act poorly?

So in my other question someone brought up that this person is obviously mentally ill. And this person filming her should stop. However the person filming stated that the blonde woman was rudely shuffling through clothes right in front of her and she politely told her not to do that. And instead of stopping she instead follows her around the store basically harassing her. Then she got out her phone and started recording.

Question: Does being mentally ill give you a free pass to act like an asshole? Should the person filming her stopped filming?

While we are at it why couldn’t the police escort her out of the store? Its well within their jurisdiction correct? And where the hell was mall security?
If a person is mentally ill we should be more understanding of them and allowing them to act rudely is part of that
No being mentally ill does NOT give you a free pass to act rudely to other people
Depends on the mental illness
If it were me being harassed i would have filmed her too for evidence
I both think being mentally ill doesn't give you a free pass to be rude AND think the person filming should have stopped doing so
I have a different opinion (say what)
I dont have an opinion on this and uncomfortable to try stating it
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+1 y
Ok another question I didn’t think of is should the person filming not have posted this online? Do you think the police could have handled this incident in a just way satisfactory to all parties involved without this pressure? Im kinda leaning no on that based on how nonchalantly the cops in the video were handling this. Wbu?
+1 y
Also if anyone here thinks the cops would treat it just as non seriously if it were a black person doing the harassing are willfully ignorant of how the police have handled racial issues in this country

Emmett Till everyone! The white woman involved here admitted to lying about it too. “Karens” have existed flr a looong ass time.
If someone is mentally ill is this an excuse for them to act poorly?
39 Opinion