Should the unvaccinated school teacher who took her mask off and infected 26 students with COVID have gotten the free COVID vaccine or worn a mask?

Should the unvaccinated school teacher who took her mask off and infected 26 students with COVID have gotten the free COVID vaccine or worn a mask?
"An unvaccinated elementary schoolteacher infected with the highly contagious Delta variant spread the virus to half of the students in a classroom, seeding an outbreak that eventually infected 26 people, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

How the Delta Variant Infiltrated an Elementary School Classroom

The teacher did not follow safety guidelines, researchers found.

The teacher had COVID symptoms and went to school anyway.

The students were too young for vaccination because they were all under twelve.

Every student in the first row tested positive.

80 percent of the second row tested positive.
Should the unvaccinated school teacher who took her mask off and infected 26 students with COVID have gotten the free COVID vaccine or worn a mask?
Some infected students went on to infect at least eight siblings and parents.

Researchers found the teacher was indeed the cause of the outbreak.

"State health researchers sequenced specimens of the virus from many of the positive cases and found that all had been infected with the Delta variant. Samples from at least 10 students in two grades were genetically indistinguishable. The results suggested that the cases in both grades came from the same outbreak."
No (because freedom)
I dunno
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Should the unvaccinated school teacher who took her mask off and infected 26 students with COVID have gotten the free COVID vaccine or worn a mask?
80 Opinion