Who do you trust more out of these two choices?

I will say a few things about each choice.

Rogan: he has a wonderful format where he spends 3 hours deeply interviewing people. He seems to have integrity for now but the pressures of his popularity could eventually corrupt him.

CNN: they have done some good work on stories that do not have conflict of interest for them but they are deeply married to the state to the point where I would say CNN is a major propaganda apparatus of the US government.

Personally I trust Rogan, a LOT more but I would like to know your thoughts!

And I swear to God if anybody here blocks me I don't care if it gets my question taken down, I'm going to blast your name in an update for everybody to see.
Joe Rogan
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
I am curious, if you believe Joe Rogan is alt-right, why do you think so?

And good job so far on not blocking each other or blocking me. I am so proud of you guys for valuing free speech this time! If anybody gets blocked on any of my questions, DM me the proof and I will sound off on them.
+1 y
Shout-out to incel (those are literally the last five letters in his username) for blocking me. I'm not going to post his full name because I think he's trying to get this question taken down.

He said: "Literally just because you were a little bitch about this.. *blocks*"
Who do you trust more out of these two choices?
Post Opinion