Is it possible for someone to be racist against their own race?

This is a curious question... I have a friend, a white guy, who seems to look down on white women and discriminate against them.

I've never seen he say anything negative about any other social group, he doesn't pick on white men or people of color, but for any reason he seems to dislike white women.

He says white women "are the arithmetic women. They add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance," "parasites, not human beings," "a mother nature's mistake," "should be mute from birth," "they do performative wokeness and talk shit about white men just to divert people's attention from the fact that white women are POS," "naturally incompetent and stupid" and that "he'd rather get AIDS than kiss a white woman ever again."

I find this a bit offensive, but is it racist?
Is it possible for someone to be racist against their own race?
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