Do you think Disney and the GOP are actually fighting?

It has become something of an open secret that the only real goal of the GOP is to help the rich get access to our tax money. But of course this should be a losing message to run on, politically (although who knows anymore, right) so of course we should expect the GOP to talk about anything else. The problem the GOP has had to figure out for the last four decades is what to talk about. Obviously the can't promise to fix anything tangible because that would cost tax money, and their whole thing is to give that money to rich people without anyone noticing.

So we have the bill in Florida restricting the mentioning of the existence of gay couples to grade schoolers. Now, quick aside on the bill, it accomplishes two things: 1) it makes teaching just a little bit more miserable: in the GOP's quest to hand out tax money to rich people one of those groups of rich people is private school owners. They've been trying to privatize the school system for decades but have ran up against a wall with overwhelming community support for local public schools. The school board invasions over masks and CRT and now this bill are ways to turn the local communities against local schools. And 2) it seems built from the ground up not to be useful but to motivate the right with satisfied anger over wielding the power of cancel culture they have been told they are somehow the victim of, because a few scammers they subscribed to were redirected to spam on social media.

So, we have a GOP who needs to get elected so rich people can have access to our tax money, but no one want to vote for them for that (at least not yet) and some of the opposing political party are finally starting to figure out it might be a winning message to just accurately describe what the GOP is up to. What does the GOP do if it becomes mainstream to know they are serving the rich only? (Continued...)
Yes, the fight is genuine
No, its performative
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Typed out an update to get to the question im trying to ask and it deleted it because it exceeded the character limit. Why does it have to be so painful to ask a question on here? I don't remember what it said and don't feel like dancing around the character limit. Just ignore this question.
Do you think Disney and the GOP are actually fighting?
Post Opinion