Do you as an American think America has lost its self respect and as a foreigner have you lost respect for America, if so why?

I'm not anti America at all, in fact I love the U. S. but the reality when I think about this country it doesn't appear respectable at all.

Beginning with its leadership. Congress is filled with finger pointing teenagers, and often annoying immature adults who cave into social peer pressure even for the worst vaules and immoral behaviors.

The recent presidents who are a reflection of the overall population don't appear masculine and serious in attitude at all.

George Bush Jr. came off as a fool publicly.

Barack Obama, a class act socially but came off as very soft and sweet.

Donald Trump is a raging whiny disrespectful immature adult and Biden seems frail and lost who often has trouble speaking coherently.

The overall population in this country accepts all kinds of foolishness in the name of love and acceptance and its extremely sensitive to speech they don't like and agree with.
Do you as an American think America has lost its self respect and as a foreigner have you lost respect for America, if so why?
Do you as an American think America has lost its self respect and as a foreigner have you lost respect for America, if so why?
20 Opinion