Child encouragement policies, do you support?

Amazon and other companies now pay up to $4k a year reimbursed for travel expenses to have an abortion.."health care". That's "very generous", but it also supports the idea of employees killing off their offspring.

"black"... e. g. African americans and hispanics make up a majority of abortions in this country. On one hand the company is being considerate, and on another... they are dire.
Child encouragement policies, do you support?
Would you equally encourage such companies to put $ in a "lock box" for babies that are born and survive to 18yrs? Say, $2k is put into a lock box til they get 18yrs old, managed by an investment firm. Funds are used by the child, like a trust. Maybe they add additional funds, say $1k for therapists and support groups for people to learn about parenting, child development, to improve their relationships. Like... invest in future families. The rule needs some tweeking... but it's close to good enough.
Im little, I could use some help from you adults... if you are willing to share
Im little, I could use some help from you adults... if you are willing to share
By the time they are 18yrs old, they should have a good supply of money, a thank you from our wonderful society for coming to life!

I don't see how democrats would be upset about that.
Republicans have to love the idea...

... We have a new baby in the family coming soon, thus, I was inspired to think about this issue.
GREAT idea, promote it!
No, because...
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+1 y
to be clear not my/our baby, but an immediate family member.
Sadly, I have had no babies in my family in general. First one I'll have seen as a tot. what a strange life.
Child encouragement policies, do you support?
8 Opinion