If the supreme court overturns Roe vs Wade how will it affect the upcoming midterm elections in November?

So I think most of us have seen the news about the leaked document that the supreme court will overturn Roe vs Wade. There are plenty of questions on here regarding this. With this poll I'm not interested in discussing everyone's stance, there are other questions and polls for that. However, I am interested to know how everyone thinks this will affect voting at the polls, particularly at the state and federal levels during the midterm elections in November.
It will help the democrats
It will help the republicans
It will help third party candidates
I don't know
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1 y
I wanted to add a quick update that this question is assuming this will be the final ruling, as of now this is not the final ruling by the supreme court.
If the supreme court overturns Roe vs Wade how will it affect the upcoming midterm elections in November?
21 Opinion