If women expect men to support their abortion rights, shouldn't we also expect women to support men's right to a paper abortion?

When this question is posed, the majority of women who support abortion rights will respond with something like "men already have a choice... they can choose not to have sex". Well the obvious fact is that women have that exact same choice, but when they make a mistake and get pregnant they can choose abortion to opt out of being a parent. And that is exactly why the vast majority of abortions happen.

https://www. verywellhealth. com/reasons-for-abortion-906589

The whole "it's my body, my choice" thing seems more like an excuse to allow women to control everything related to reproduction when you consider why women actually choose to have abortions. They are choosing not to be a parent for exactly the same reasons why men would like to choose not to be a parent when they made exactly the same mistake.

There would of course have to be some strict requirements if we made "paper abortions" legal. A man would have to let the pregnant woman know of his choice early enough in the pregnancy that she can make an informed choice about whether she wants to abort or continue with the pregnancy knowing she will be a single mother without financial support from the father. The woman would need to notify the man of the pregnancy early enough to make that choice in time to meet the requirement. If she doesn't, she forfeits her right to child support. The man would have to give up the right to be a part of the child's life.

So, if women can choose to have an abortion simply because they made a mistake and are not ready or willing to become a parent, shouldn't men have a similar option? It seems hypocritical to argue otherwise.
Yes, men should have the legal right to a "paper abortion" (explain your answer)
No, only women should have choices (explain your answer)
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Thanks to everyone who responded. Too bad the one female who voted no didn't have the courage to justify her position.
If women expect men to support their abortion rights, shouldn't we also expect women to support men's right to a paper abortion?
5 Opinion