This Sesame Street thing, do blacks think this doesn't happen to whites as well, I mean if these were white kids what would be the issue?


This Sesame Street thing, do blacks think this doesnt happen to whites as well, I mean if these were white kids what would be the issue?

So Sesame Street theme park is saying they have this policy where they don't allow their characters to stop to interact, touch kids or take photos during their parade due to safety issues.

So that's what they say, and this gets head line just because they are Black kids. But if they were white what would be the issue here?

Its not like the video shows white kids getting touched, hugged or photos while black kids aren't. So there is this whole class action law suit going on, and the only problem I have is that when this stuff happens to white people there is nothing we can do about, and they call that WHITE Privilege.

This Sesame Street thing, do blacks think this doesn't happen to whites as well, I mean if these were white kids what would be the issue?
6 Opinion