Are russian people worse than litte boy and little girl lovers?


It seems Russian people around the world are treated as if they're murderers (mainly by msm believing and not independently thinking sc*m) just because of some event in the news which none of us even knows the full truth about... even silly little details like this...

If this is offensive...
If this is offensive...

Is it not worse than if we treated all Canadians as if they're all pedophiles?

Is this not offensive?
Is this not offensive?


FBI Pedophile legend
FBI Pedophile legend
"Voodoo Doughnut - The Magic is in The Hole"
"Voodoo Doughnut - The Magic is in The Hole"
Are russian people worse than litte boy and little girl lovers?

Why isn't anything done about this?

Because looking at evidence, such as MISSIS Joe Biden speaking,

And MISTER Blake lively,

And Miss gates,

To conclude that they're all involved in it... IS UNACCEPTABLE VIEWS as expressed by Justine Trudeau...

So we simply don't rebrand the pedophile logos because the manufacturers of our opinions aren't telling us to?

Are russian people worse than litte boy and little girl lovers?
16 Opinion