What do you think led white women to embrace identitarianism and woke politics in general?

Their male counterparts embraced the alt-right movement years ago because they had a sense of disenfranchisement. Although it's true they had (and have) been disenfranchised, they failed to understand that this is a generational phenomenon (which affects men of other races too) and it's caused by our capitalist economic model, not by a supposedly "race war."

Now I want to understand why white women embraced #woke politics and why. Who radicalized them? Why do they support the #current thing?

What do you think led white women to embrace identitarianism and woke politics in general?
What do you think led white women to embrace identitarianism and woke politics in general?
What do you think led white women to embrace identitarianism and woke politics in general?
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