Why does a state with a 1 star rating, botches up an active shooter / mass casualty event, have any right to say anything or to stay relevant i?


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: No Pardons For Marijuana Convictions

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he won’t consider pardons for low-level marijuana offenders after President Joe Biden called on governors across the country to consider pardons.

“Texas is not in the habit of taking criminal justice advice from the leader of the defund police party and someone who has overseen a criminal justice system run amuck with cashless bail and a revolving door for violent criminals,” Abbott spokesperson Renae Eze said in a statement Thursday.

The statement came after Biden announced a pardon of all prior federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana. He also called for a review of marijuana’s current status as a Schedule 1 drug and asked governors to consider pardons of low-level weed offenders.
“Just as no one should be in a federal prison solely for possessing marijuana, no one should be in a local jail or state prison for that reason, either,” Biden tweeted.

Abbott spokesperson Eze explained the process of issuing pardons in Texas in her statement, saying Abbot would not consider pardons.

Why does a state with a 1 star rating, botches up an active shooter / mass casualty event, have any right to say anything or to stay relevant i?
2 Opinion