Do you ever get tired of Hollywood Historical Revisionism in favor of Wokeness? The Woman King?

I have noticed how historically inaccurate this film is..

Clearly, it is less interested in being a historical piece, than trying to service some sort of woke agenda?

For example, Just to name a few..

Unlike what is depicted in the film

1. The Dahomey were not fighting against Colonizers, or "White Slavers. In truth, they were the ones often enslaving other Africans, and selling them to Europeans at port cities, and other powers prior to European influence. On top of this, Europe has largely outlawed Slavery before the period of time that this movie depicts itself.

2. The idea of moving from being financially dependent on the slave trade, to palm oil was not the idea of the Dahomey themselves. In truth, the British Empire in the early 1800s had suggested the idea to Ghezo.

3. The Agoji were not elite warriors who kicked a bunch of White butt. In truth, during the First and Second Dahomey-Franco Wars during the 1890s, the French decimated them..

4. Much of the reason the Agoji existed was due to the massive conquests of the Dahomey. They needed to supplement their losses in their wars of slavery against other African kingdoms. Therefore, they often enforced women to serve, and many did not do so willing. Females made up roughly 50% of the Dahomey military at one point, and often times they were slaves themselves.

5. They also often went through training to be brutal, that included massacring other people, throwing babies off ledges, decapitating people, mass executions. They desensitized these female soldiers to brutality, so they would go out and kill, and enslave.

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There are multiple ironies to this story, but I will list a few
1. They are celebrating the history of a tribe that was more instrumental to the slave trade, than arguably any force in history at the time.
2. They are celebrating a tribe in its fight against the "Colonizers" and "Evil White Men"..
When in reality, the Slavers were the Dahomey, and the Europeans had already abolished the Slave trade, and attempted to enforce that on the African kingdoms.
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3. Many African Americans can trace their lineage to Benin, which is the setting of this story.
In truth, they are celebrating the lives of the tribe that enslaved their ancestors, and sold them to European traders?

What irony
How it truly boggles my mind.
Do you ever get tired of Hollywood Historical Revisionism in favor of Wokeness? The Woman King?
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