If you fight back against your bully does that no longer make you a victim?

Person A was bullied for 5 years by B + C - eventually, he attacks back, and defends himself with a knife. But many say that A was not the victim as he fought back - attacked B + C - saying that victims don't fight back. Saying you will never see a victim attack their bully.

I disagree and think they're speaking out of their arse. I say that they will fight back - eventually. šŸ‘‡

If you fight back against your bully does that no longer make you a victim?

Many domestic abused women got to the point where they snapped and attacked their spouse - does that mean they're no longer the victim? As I said, I think they're talking bollocks.

yes - you are still the victim.
No - you fought back, so you are not the victim.
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If you fight back against your bully does that no longer make you a victim?
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