How is happiness without expression of love not counted as narcissism?

A narcissist isn't someone who looks into a mirror and engages in kissing or stuff with themselves, narcissist people are simply persons who chronically and unethically prioritizes themselves above others, they think low of others and views them as being beneath themselves. I reject the notion that self love is love, the type of happiness that is achieved without love of another human being is not true quality happiness in my opinion. Love deep down is simply about other people and there's many ways it can be expressed. We live in civilization that promotes this type of toxic superficial and validly narcissistic personalities among people and export it to the world and its disgusting. The very fact that climate change effects is worsening and nothing is being dome about it, despite it being simple, is a testament about western narcissisms strangle hold onto the world devoid of love.
How is happiness without expression of love not counted as narcissism?
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