What unfair things happen to you?


Males on male anal rapists, females steal from males, and her victims can’t do anything about it. Kids are bullying each other. Kids bullying teens, and adults, and your not allowed to hit them.

Men want women to date dumb guys, and bad boys. Women don’t want men to do interracial. Society doesn’t care about men’s emotions. People forcing men to have kids. Even, if the guy has kids, and is a rapist. He’d be brought to justice. Males sexually abuse, and rape males, and if their male rape victims rape a female. People go disrespect him, want him to get dismembered, and say, “he has a small penis.”

People are wronging people, and don’t want to repent. People don’t want you to follow some of the Ten Commandments, and they aren’t following them. B*tches don’t follow the Ten Commandments. Black people are assaulting, and harassing people, and aren’t being brought to justice. But, if you commits a crime. They want to bring you to justice.
Black Americans, and White Americans are oppressing, and being unfair towards people. But, if you posts disrespect, or racist comments about them. Users on social media would disrespect you, and get you banned for having a different opinion, and for breaking the social media rules.

What unfair things happen to you?
2 Opinion