If World War III was announced how would you react?

I gathered different screen shots from different news outlets to show that I am engaging in this discussion with various sources. I think right now we are in the mix of another economic crash and another world war. For those who look at this and say it won't happen or kick back and relax by saying, "America's got it, it will be fine for us". There is growing tension socially, economically, politically in this world. But the world powers of today is not like it was back in 1975 or 1955.

Other countries populations have grown, military advancement has increased. I do think we are in the thick of an ideological struggle. I'm not going to state my views or add other factors to this because it will just start a fire of different emotions. My question is quite simple, if WW3 was announced how would you react and what would you do?
If World War III was announced how would you react?
If World War III was announced how would you react?
If World War III was announced how would you react?
If World War III was announced how would you react?
If World War III was announced how would you react?
If World War III was announced how would you react?
If World War III was announced how would you react?
8 Opinion