Am I the only one who doesn't have a negative view of French people?

Am I the only one who doesnt have a negative view of French people?

I've interacted with quite a few French people in my life, in France, in the U. S., in other countries and online and I've yet to run into any of these bigoted French assholes that allegedly exist.

I was in Italy recently and German people you could say "excuse me" to and they would just stand there, and Italians would push you and drive right in front of your feet/face, even a cop almost ran us over. But the French tourists there were so polite. We offered one lady our seat so she could sit with her husband, and she was like, "No, no. It's okay, it's okay." They always seemed so happy and in a good mood and were overall very pleasant and polite people. When I was in France, the drivers were so polite and would stop to let you cross. And when I looked confused over something, French people even who didn't speak English would approach me on their own to try to help me. And genuinely help me, not just pretend to be helpful so they could steal my metro pass (yes, I'm looking at YOU Italians). I also didn't encounter any of this refusal to speak English that everyone is always complaining about. Even when I was watching The Amazing Race recently one team drove their car into a ditch and some villagers ran over and French guy said, "I will call my neighbor who has a tractor." She came over in 5 minutes and pulled out their car and didn't demand anything in return. Then in Toulouse one team needed to make a left turn and the road was blocked, so she pressed the button on the call box and told the guy in English to lower the barriers so they could get through, and he DID.

And I never hear French people boasting about how awesome they are!

1 y
I also read another story recently from an Indian vlogger who applied for an EU visa through Switzerland and got rejected. She then applied through the French embassy and unfortunately, they had to reject her because Switzerland did, but the French got back to her so fast and told her, "If you would've applied through France, we would have given it to you because you have a very strong application. Next time apply through France."

1 y
I genuinely don't understand how people are having these bad experiences with the French. I've been to around 30 countries, over a dozen of them in Europe and the French are some of the most humble, honest, courteous, generous, kindest, polite well-mannered people I've ever met.
Am I the only one who doesn't have a negative view of French people?
16 Opinion